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And theres a lot of works to do specially I'm in 9th grade. I love school year tho! Anywayssssss

PART 2!!....

Your pov

We came back to HQ and then I walk inside my tent and thought about this person... 'andy....' That name runs to my mind... I assume or I know I met or seen her....

I grab my laptop and got to the network and search for any names called Andy but... nothing... some sort of familiar to me at all... I took a minute to scroll down and still no answer!... I sigh and I thought for a  moment...

Brown..... short hair....

She can fight... she can live forever?.... powers?!...

I realized... I quickly stood up and went to a jeep and I ask if I could borrow the jeep and gladly I can.

I hop in the jeep and start the car and drove off. I went to a church near a small living house. I hop out of the jeep and walk to the small house, I knock on the door and some Black girl and her hair was in braids, "Oh hello? May I help you?" The girl ask and i nodded "Uhmm yeah! I- uhmm... do you know...uhmm Andy??..." I ask putting my hands on my pockets biting my lips.

The girl nodded "Oh great! So uhmm... where is she?" I ask and she pointed at her back and someone shove the girl away and I saw the woman I was looking for... Andy..

"What do you want?" She ask "Oh! Uhmm... I want to talk to you for a moment? May I?" I ask biting my lips and she nodded and we both walk to my jeep and she push me on the door of the jeep and pin me there "I know what you want... Y/N..." I look down "Andy..." I reply "No! I am not coming with you! For the first place! You betrayed me... and theres no way I would ever! Trust you again" She almost yelled "I did that for a reason! Andy!... I didn't mean anything" I look down and rest my back with the jeep "oh really? PROVE IT!" She yelled and I stood there staring at her every movement "I'm here to talk to you Andy... I'm not taking you anywhere!" I reply "Then talk!" She yelled yet again "My team... they're looking for you and your family..... I'm here to warn you" I walk closer to her, she look at me in like a begging eyes while I walk she just stare at me while I walk in front of her "What happened.... to us..." She look down shaking her head "I'm sorry... i just dont want you dead" I frown "why?..." she ask cupping my cheek "Look... I just defend you, I told you... that... you have to go because I dont want you dead! Maybe if you're not healing anymore..." She scoffs "I am..." I look at her full of concern "What?!" "Yes indeed I am...." She was looking at me and i cant believe she's not healing anymore "They want you dead..." she looks at me "No..." She reply quickly "All of you" I added and she shake her head and walk back right up to the small house and leaving me there... She walks away from me almost at the front door but she stop and runs towards me and I look right at her confused, she quickly peck my lips and run inside the house.

A smile appears on my lips as I walk right to the jeep and hop in starting the car then drove off, I went back to HQ.

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