Charlize Theron

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♡♡♡♡♡Happy Birthday♡♡♡♡♡

Happy birthday to Charlize!!!
-kinda late

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After work Y/n buy a cake for Charlize, It was he birthday today. Y/n place the cake on the passenger seat and Y/n sat on the driver's seat. Y/n grab the keys to the keyhole and turn it to the right and start the car.

Y/n drives to Charlize's house and open the door, They want to surprise her so Y/n placed the cake on the table and ready the balloons and went to call her.

Charlize wasnt home because of tiring work.

Charlize answered the call and Y/n immediately reply "hun?? Hey...Uhmm...I have to tell you something important" Y/n said looking around with her index fi her on the tip of her lower lip while walking around.

"Sure what's up?" Charlize while sitting on her chair "uh- um...You have to get home first because...Its something that you dont want to hear on work...uhm.. i- uh.. I dont want you to receive more stress f- from me..." Y/n replied "Not today hun... I'm sorry but you can tell me now?" Charlize giggles a bit.

"No...I cant..I..I know you're at work...But I dont want you to get stress from it honey" Y/n replies and look at the time again back to talking with Charlize.

"Okay...Okay, is it something important you said?" Charlize ask and I nodded "Yes! Definitely!.." Y/n smiles and its according to plan!.

"Okay honey...I'll be there in 6:15? You okay with that?" Charlize ask "yep! So okay!" Y/n nodded and check the time.. It reads: "5:48" "Good!" Charlize said with a smile "Okay I'll see ya!" Y/n said and hand up having a but more time to get ready.

Y/n placed some decor around the table and buyed some rose petals and put it around the table.

Y/n hears a crazy approaching lousy from the garage and immediately walk to the door.

I hear key sounds and when Charlize open the door I immediately react "SURPRISE!!" I said and Charlize back away from the door holding her chest smiling "Oh my- Y/n?!"

"What? Did I do something wrong??" I smiled. "No...Honey...What's all this about?" "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Y/n said and hugged her while Charlize walking inside.

"Thank you Y/n" Charlize smiled and kissed Y/n's cheek "Happy 48th birthday honey" y/n smiled and walk her to the cake.

"Oh no...honey! Thank you!" Charlize walks in front of the cake both of her hands on the table "🎶Happy birthday to you🎶" Y/n sings and Charlize walks up to me and hugs me "Happy! 🎶 birthday!! 🎶 Dear Charlize! 🎶 Happy🎶 birthday! To youuuuuuuu" As Y/n sings lighting the candles while Charlize smiles.

"Now...wish and blow the candles!!" Y/n said and Charlize closed her eyes and wished and open her eyes again and blow out the candles "Yaaaay!" Y/b claps and hugged her.

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