"Lady Lesso"

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××××××××××Family tree××××××××××

Request by: Crinskib55

Your pov

I woke up on my bed and check the time.

It was too early for me to get up, no sun shines from the window and I assume it was still night time because of the time.

It was just 4:34 Am in the morning, I stood up putting my fluffy night slippers on and walking out of the dormitory.

I wonder around and found myself out of the school, I was in front of the school for evil.

I was amazed on how it looks, the way the dark black color, the creepy and haunted look of the place made me smile.

The wind blows behind me, I turn around and I saa the school for good.

It was light, The white color and the saheds of grey color look made me felt alright.

"Y/n? Up so early?" I heard someone said behind me, it was very recognizable so I turn around facing Lady lesso.

"Hello..and yeah I cant sleep so I found myself here" I reply with a smile kissing her cheek.

"Why?.." Lesso ask, Her beautiful red curly hair moves to the wind when it blows.

"I dont know.." I reply and smile at her.

Lesso grabs my waist and kissed me I didn't hesitate and kissed her back.

We pulled away about 20 seconds of the kiss.

"Hmm..its too early isn't it? I'm kind of bored my love" Lesso grins and my eyes winded.

"I mean yeah but no.." I said giggling

"Why not? Maybe the time will pass by y/n?"

"Ugh no!" I said

"Itll be fun c'mon!" Lesso grabs my ark and carried me in a bridal style and carried me inside.

Lesso walks to the hallway to her office. She open the right door and went in closing the door locking it behind her and this is the moment I'd be not able to walk...bot hopefully :').


Y/n wake up on Lady Lesso's bed, Y/n sit up and look around.

They saw a note on the night stand next to them and read it.

Hello Y/n, sorry for what I did.
I didn't mean to do this to you..but if anything happens tell me ok? I love you
Y/n..so much..


Y/n felt vomiting so they get up and went to the bathroom.

Y/n felt a little weird when they already vomited and it gave them a thought that their pregnant or what.

Y/n immediately went to class even it was late for them.

Y/n arrives to their 3 hour class and sit beside Dot and they felt nervous.

Dot notice "Hey..you ok? I didn't see you on Lady Lesso's class? She said that you were sick? What's wrong..you shouldn't be here..your sick" She explains "No I'm not..shes lying I just overslept.." Y/n reply and the class started.

After class, Y/n immediately excuse themself and rush to Lady Lesso's office.
Y/n opened the door and close it behind them and walk to Lady lesso "Hey love..Are you alright?" Lesso stood up and walk towards y/n and y/n shake their head and explain everything. Lesso didn't like the news perhaps that Y/n was a student so Lesso decided to let it be and wait for the baby.

16 months later.. (baby is 7 months old)

I check the time and it as sa bit early going to class. I sat on my chair in front of my desk.

I was listening to music on my desk while reading a book, after for hours of reading i place the book down and look at the time.

I was expecting that the time will pass quickly but no, it's just 30 minutes late. I sigh and turn my back and saw Lyn laying on the bed, I smile at Lyn and I heard footsteps coming, I turn around slightly so I can see who it was "Hello dear" Lesso went in and kissed my head.

"Hey" I reply and Lesso sit on the edge of the bed next to Lyn and kissed her forehead.

I stand up and look at them both, Lyn wakes up and Lesso immediately carrying Lyn, holding her back while carrying her.

I smiled and I grab my stuff and smile at both of them, Lesso stood up and carried Lyn to her class while I head to my first hour class.

I didn't even knew that I was happy to have Lyn and lesso..They both made me happy by the mean time.. Lyn was just a very cute little daughter of ours. Now I can imagine her playing with the others when she grows up.

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