Queen Ravenna

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Your pov

Working around the palace, I wake up at 5 am to get ready then go to work as a maid as usual, I ready up the coffee for the other workers. I sit down and rest, Foot step are coming so I turn around and see the queen, I stand up and bow down to her as I'm the only one there "Y/n..have you rest?" She ask as she took the cup of coffee and I nodded my head "just about 5 minutes Your highness..I'm fine, thank you" I said smiling as she drink the coffee and she was nodding at me "Alright love" she said and left. I sigh and clean up again, I walk to the hall way and went to the dungeon, when I felt flash backs of how I got here...

Flash back~ (if u dont mind =>)

I woke up inside of the cell under Queen Ravenna's palace, I sit up on the ground and look at the guard. The dungeon was always guarded by 3 to 5 soldiers so there is no way I would escape..Wueen Ravenna take young and beautiful women and other persons such as me...I heard chains and the cell opens and the Queen got in, I got scared so I back away "Well well well...look who we got here, such a lovely little one~" Queen Ravenna grins as she lift my chin up "Please dont hurt me!" I said "Oh dont worry~ I won't~" Queen Ravenna laughs and walks away with the guards. And two other guards grab my arm and take me to a room, I saw other girls there too and I was very confused "They could teach you.. Dont fool around kid you'll get a punishment if you do something stupid" They said and left me there.


I sigh as there were some people are still in the cell..I saw a guard and why not talk to him, I approach him as he look at me "Uhmm..what are they still doing here?," I ask "Queen Ravenna doesn't know what to do with them soo..they will be staying here for the mean time" The guard said and I felt  sad for them, After my work I was very tired. I sat down at the to a throne I didn't even knew that it was the Queens Throne as I stood up someone talks "Its ok love..sit in there, you look tired" The queen said "Oh! It's ok!" I say bowing down "No..sit" She pointed out "um.. ok.." I sit on the throne and rest my foot as if I was working all day "Love you need some rest.." Queen says standing next to me "Its Alright.. it's my duty soo-" "I'll give you 2 days off love.." I nodded at her order "Well..I should take a rest now.. excuse me" I said "Be safe my love, I dont want you dead" She says with a giggle so I stop to my tracks and look back at her "What do you mean, your highness?" I said with a worried look then she walk up to me and cup my face with her hand "I'm just kidding my love..get some sleep and rest all you want, but dont do anything foolish as it will get you killed.." She said and I nodded and left "Yeah..there is no way I'll escape here.." i said to myself as i went to my room and sleep for a while.

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