Charlize Theron

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You were at your friends house back in L.A, you sat down on the floor with the others including Sarah, Haley, Beth, and Samantha. You were between Haley and Beth as they commanded and ask the victim of the game. It was your turn, You zoned out a little being a little sleepy but you want to stay awake for your friends "Y/n, Truth or Dare?" Beth ask and You look at Haley smiling while Sam was there had a smug smile of her face "Dare" you replied and Haley claps "I knew Y/n is gonna pick dare!" She laughed and you turn to Beth again "I dare you to text Charlize saying you want to tale her out on a date" Your jaw dropped and you sigh no choice as you open your social media as you click on Charlize's profile and click on open chat.

You texted her saying: Hi, I'm sorry to bother but I wanna ask you out. You waited for her to reply but you hope she didnt see it. They all laughed "Yall are a tease! Shes my favorite! Why would you dare me that" You pouted "Its your chance!" Sam added "Chance?! SHES 48! IM 24!" You yelled a little laying down hoping she will not see it.

After a while. The game was still going. It was Haley, You turn to her and out a smug face "Oh Haleyyyyyyyy!" You tease and she laughs "T or D?" Beth ask since it was her turn to ask "D!!" Sam laughs "I guess, all of us likes D" she winked and all your friends laugh including you. "I dare you to... Call your BF! Annnnnndddddd tell him that yall will make out tomorrow night" You laugh and Haley just shrugged "Easy" "Ohhhhhh!" Yall said and when Haley called her BF, the phone starts ringing, The call answered and Haley out it on loud speaker and we stay quiet "Hey baby!.. uhmmm I know I'm at Beth's apartment today but are you free tomorrow night?" Haley hold her laugh "Yeah? Why baby?" Her Bf ask "I wanna make out with you" You hold your laugh "Oh, sure hun, be ready" Her Bf said and you couldn't help but laugh so Haley hang up.

You guys laughed for a while, You lay on the ground in the carpet and kept laughing, "OMG! GIRLIE FINALLY DID IT!" You laugh.

Your phone buzzed in notification, You quickly stabs up and your friends got quiet "Dont tell me.... she replied..." Sarah said looking at you while the other three look at my phone and grab it.

You open the chat room and saw the message.

Charlize Theron

Today at 7:42 PM.

YOU: Hey... uhmm I'm sorry to bother but can I ask you out?..

Charlize: Sure :)


"She said yes..." You turn to your friends who were shocked too "Then go out with her!" Sam assume and you nodded "Y-yeah... okay... I will..." You replied.

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