Charlize Theron

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Wish come true??...

You lay on your bed by the morning no motivation to move, you grab your phone and check the time, you remembered you had a date! SH!T?! You quickly stand up and you remembered. 6pm... phew you sat down on your bed feeling a relief washed over you. You check the time again and you decided to bath. You took your towel out and some new clothes to wear. You went to the bathroom and closs the door and open the shower.

After showering, your phone lights up and you saw a chat from your GC on your phone which was a besties GC.

You ignore it but when you were about to turn around the GC started a video call. You answered and saw your friends "Hey Y/nnnnnnn so?? Did Charlize answered?" Sam asked and the three smirked "Yep, she did" They all scream "OHH MY!" They said "Yep, she said sure." You reply "Good luck bestieeeeee. We love you!!" You smiled and hang up. You decided to clean the whole house and shower again. It was hot here in L.A. You grab your cleaning tools and so the equipment and started on the living room.

When after the living room, to the kitchen then to the bathroom, then to the 2 bedrooms. You lay on the couch exhausted. It was 4 PM so you took a fresh shower.

You wear something that's formal cause you were taking Charlize on a date... and to be honest you were nervous. You check yourself in the mirror to fix your outfit before let put a big sigh. You grab your car keys and walk downstairs and close the lights and lock the doors. You walk to your car and began driving to Charlize's house. You stop by the front gate and you hop out the car. You walk over the gate and it was just a quiet place, whispers of the winds. You rang the doorbell and your saw the door opened. You see Charlize wearing a sea blue color dress looking the same as yours but a little dark.

Charlize walks to the gate and her red lips formed a smile. Charlize opened the gate for you and you were speechless. Charlize was waiting for you to say something "I... uhmmm you... look.... stunning" Yoir voice crack a little making her giggle "Thank you" Charlize replied and you both hop in the car and you turn on the engine and press down the paddle. You drive away from Charlize's house and drive to a restaurant you know.

While driving you kept eyeing on Charlize who was busy on her phone, You sigh loudly making look at you "What's up?" Charlize said and you look at her "Nothing" you replied "Is there something you wanna tell me love?" She lean closer to you "Actually. I'm kinda nervous cuz... I'm just dared to take you out on a date" Charlize nodded "Well, in that case, I'm still going on the date with you." You smiled "Wish come true..."

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