Charlize Theron

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Movie night

You place down your bag at the counter, you were looking for Charlize all around the house with just a sock. She doesn't allow anyone to walk with their shoes inside her house. Your feet felt cold because of the tiles. You ignored it though. You saw a note on the fridge.

In case Y/N came early:

I'm off to buy us snacks :) be safe love.

You giggled what had says the note not even knowing she left, you just waste your time finding her around the house only to see a note from the fridge last time you came to the kitchen.

You decided to fix the movie night with Charlize, grabbing the blankets and pillows throwing into the bed and taking a big bowl to out the snacks.

You set the TV to a horror movie which called EVIL DEAD RISE, it was out from April 2023 which you thought it was scary cause you saw it has 84% rotten tomatoes (I understand what that means actually :>).

It was like 6:12 PM and the sun was already gone. You knew charlize was taking a long time on picking some snacks because she and you sometimes were a picky eater, which both of you had the same thing in COMMON, Or maybe fate? I guess.

In Charlize's side, she got a chart walking through every sections of chips,chocolates and lore snacks, after that, she went to the drinks and picked out what you like and so did hers. She forgot you love M&M so she got fastly back to the section of chocolates where she picked out two big packs of M&M.

Charlize rushed to the cashier and the worker was shock on what was on Charlize's chart.

"Are you Seriously buying these? What for?"

"Oh me and my Best friend planned in a movie night... and I wanted it to make it special" Charlize replied with a smile and payed for the food. She then got the chart back after putting the bags on the trunk.

She hop in the car and started to drive towards her house.

In Y/n's side.

You already finished up setting the Movie night. You were proud of it mostly. You waited for Charlize and when you heard a car drove by of course you knew it was her.

Charlize entered the house seeing you on the stairs smiling, You rin up to her giving her a big hug "Why you took so long?!" You claimed "Sorry love, I bought something actually you'll love it" She replies taking your hand upstairs then sitting down the bed picking out all snacks both of you were going to eat.

The movie started with a girl reading a book and a drone came flying by making the girl scared. A guy laughed at the sudden reaction of the girl. The girl asked if her cousin was okay and the guy replied with a scoffed mostly like a laugh talling her that her cousin took the medicine which making  her cousin knock off.

You felt someone staring at you so you turn to Charlize "What?" She shakes her head "Nothing love... you look beautiful, as always" She replied kissing your lips lightly.

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