Charlize Theron

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Charlize was going on a tour in Paris or so Y/n think so. Y/n was working on a Cafe at Paris near a bridge.

It was just a cool day, it was a burst cold so Y/n wore a sweater with them. The bell rings and Y/n look on who it was.

"Hello!" Charlize greeted.
"Hi!" Y/n reply "What can I get for you?" Y/n continue. Then Charlize ordered coffee then Y/n make a coffee just perfect for Charlize.

Y/n place the cup at the counter "Thank you" Charlize said and pay for the coffee then walking to a table next to the window.

Costumers starts to go in but Y/n doesn't think that they're costumers because they all got over to Charlize's table.

Y/n got worried and all the people moved and I bet that Charlize was a bit uncomfortable. Y/n heard her voice and walk up the people.

Y/n was in front of Charlize. "Please please!! I think shes not available just yet" Y/n said and Charlize smiled and Y/n pulled Charlize arm and went behind the counter and let her sit there "Stay there, they wont bother you anymore.." Y/n said and smiled "Thank you.." Charlize smiles and it made Y/n's heart beat fast, Y/n nodded their head and smile then went back to work.

After for a moment the people were gone and some of them waited and Y/n was glad that one of the workers there with Y/n was responsible for their work, and ask the people if they will order and if not they have to leave, didn't mean to be rude because Charlize was a bit uncomfortable with them.

"Y/n..thank you, so much" Charlize stood up and Y/n turn around and face her "Oh no problem! Just making sure you'll have a great morning!" Y/n reply then smile.

Charlize smile and walk towards Y/n giving them a hug and a kiss on the cheek too. Y/n's cheeks were bright red and just smile at Charlize then Charlize left. Y/n didn't want her to leave.. but maybe she got some work to do.

Y/n closes their shop with the help to the other workers and got to their separate ways. Y/n was walking with a headphones on and play some music called "If we have each other" by Alec Benjamin. It was unique for Y/n, this happens a lot..

Y/n walks to the sidewalk and it was almost at their apartment. "Y/n!" Someone called making Y/n turn around seeing Charlize exist to her car and walked up to Y/n "oh hello!" Y/n replied with a smile "Hey, thank you again! Y/n so much!" Charlize said holding their hand "Oh no problem!" Y/n replied "I'm leaving by tomorrow so...thank you again" Charlize smiled and kissed my cheek "Safe travels! Be safe Charlize please do" Y/n said "I will Y/n" Charlize said and smiled. They alked for a while then Chase left. Y/n arrives at their apartment then went to sleep.

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