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And Enjoy!

Your pov

I place down my bag on the wooden chair and sat down to the bed. I sigh and try to relax myself on another mission....

Some other roommates ahead to the tent making me get out of my room and check of who it was. "Oh hey Y/n!!" Amanda Greeted "Hey!" I reply waving at her, I turn Richard which Amanda's soldier BF "Hey!" I greeted "Sup?" Richard spoke "All good," I said "So...The Captain said we just go to the briefing room for meeting?" Richard said and I nod and so did Amanda.

A few minutes later the three of us walk to the briefing room and saw the captain there standing with the other soldiers. "Aight! Everyone! Listen up!!" The captain yelled and everyone gathered around him "We're going in a mission... a dangerous one... this people are unstoppable... they got shot they healed. So make sure... they don't escape you, were going to Los angels where they're at and then take them all and bring them to the HQ, Copy!" He yelled all the soldiers and me replied: "Yes sir!", The captain nodded and we all go to the armory to get out our armors and guns, I took a glance back at Amanda seemingly she was a medic after all, she was worried about Richard. I continue on my armors and gears then set off to the helicopter where taking us to Los angels.

I sat down kn the helicopter and put on my seatbelt, I held my vest and hope that I wont die in this mission. Some soldiers arrive and the Captain, we courage ourselves that we can do this then we set off.

The helicopter takes off and we were above the clouds. I look on the window and admire the little buildings below us.

It was getting almost night time... the sun was setting, I sigh and hope that this mission is a success one...

A few minutes later, the helicopter landed in the abandoned court. We all set there and ready ourselves before going to the main mission... stop those people...

When we all arrive, I focus my sense of hearing and sight... I turn my head to the others and they turn to me, I put on my nightvison and check if anyone is on site, I signal that I was clear and team 4b went in first then check if it was clear, it was they signaled. We all went to the big abandoned house... mostly ...

We all search  for any clues on where they're at. Richard found a used laptop with thier fingerprint on it. Me, Richard and Mike scan the fingerprints and a picture ID showed on the other screen what Mike's holding... the women's name is Andy, and I look back at the laptop and try to remember who is the woman called Andy... I've heard that name before...

They all said that they can track them so they took the used laptop back to HQ and still the mission isnt close to the finish line. The name kept repeating on my mind... "Hey Y/n? You okay?" Richard sat beside me when we were at a military truck, I nodded "You dont look okay" He reply "Is it about the mission bothering you? Well dont worry... I'll protect you" He smiled and added "Well, I should protect you too, dont want Amanda been all crying for your death" he laughs at my comment "I think I know... this woman..." i lower my head "That's good!" He smiled and I nodded,



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