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Plss follow me, it's okay! Its free =}

Y/n walks back to the tent of their base.

Y/n place their laptop on the desk and their bag on the chair, Y/n walk on the table and grab some coffee, Y/n grab the mug and pour the coffee powder and Y/n pour in the hot water.

Y/n stir my coffee so it will mix. Y/n then sat down the couch and rest their body.

The phone rings and Y/n stood up and walk over to their phone on the table, Y/n place the much down and answer to call.

"Hello Andy?" I ask "Hello love" Andy giggles on the phone "Why did you call?" Y/n ask then walking back the couch with the mug on their other hand.

"Well....did I disturb you?" Y/n shakes their head "No hun why?" Y/n then looks at the time and focus back on talking with Andy.

"Can you come over?" Andy ask "sorry love, the clinic needs me. Out mission was done just 2 hours ago" Y/n replied "Oh damn...That's a lot of injured people huh?" Andy ask "Yep! Indeed it is" Y/n stand up and place the mug down the table.

Y/n and andy talked for a while, It was 7PM and Y/n sat down in bed and received and text message from Nick, Andy's friend.



Yesterday at 5:13 pm

Nick: Hey Y/n!! Come over! Andu wants to see you too!! Nile said if you can teach her how to play a guitar! We can have drinks here too, we miss you!!.

Y/n: Sure! I'll be there, I'm day off anyways!

Nick: Sure! Be safe y/n!!.

Today at 7:05 PM

Nick: Y/n, please come here...We need you...

Y/n: Why? What's wrong?

Nick: Andy is injured and I dont know how much time she had left....We need a medic and that's you Y/n.

Y/n: What?! I'll be there just tell her that ik on my way okay?.

Nick: Sure, just drive safely.


Your POV-

I stood up and rush to my bag and grab my things and put it there, I zipped my bag and rush to my car and put my bag on the passenger seat and I hop in and took the keys and put it on the keyhole.

I turn the keys to the right and the car started and I drive to Andy's place.

A few minutes later on. I arrive at her place and I took my bag quickly and grab my keys and put it on my bag.

I open the door of the car and hop off running towards the door and quickly opening it.

I saw Nile on the couch "Where is Andy?" I ask, Nkle stood up and I followed her quickly and I was confused....

Andy wasnt injured or...Hurt....

"What's going on..." I look at Nick and Joe beside andy and Andy was smiling.

She stood up and kissed me on the lips and pull away, as I look at her confusingly "What is going on..." I ask looking at her.

Andy took a small blue box and kneel down
"Oh Andy! You scared me!" I said almost yelling and the three of them laughed and chuckle and Andy took my hand and ask me:

"Y/n...Will you marry me?" She ask smiling and I saw the ring on the box and I smiled "Of course I want to!" I replied soon after and Nile,Joe and Nick claps and cheer as Andy smile and kiss me again putting the ring on my finger.

"I love you" I said "I love you more" She replies and cheered with the others "Jeez...Yall scared me.." I said and cheered with them.

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