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In the bottom of my heart~


You fell to the couch and rest groaning about such a big thing, you finished up cleaning the whole house.

You were obviously Charlize's maid, pretty little maid! And you were lucky she found such a person.

You rest your head to the top leather of the couch and let out a big sigh before hearing someone opening the door then it creak closed, you turn your head to see who it was and seeing Charlize wearing a white dress on her knees and a red coat behind her back, you smiled on how beautiful she was and you always had a thing for miss Theron herself but she never knew.

You stood up and walk over to her while shes walking towards the counter by the kitchen and place down her red shoulder bag, you took off her coat which she appreciated "Thank you Y/n/n" you blushed as she called your nickname "No problem!" You reply quickly then walking upstairs to her room and putting the coat into a hanger and hang them to the closet ring, you close the two doors of the closet and head back downstairs again.

You saw Charlize with a call on the aisle and you just be quiet and didn't wanna bother her so you just sat down the couch again resting your back to the cushions and pillows that you've clean and change. You glance at the clock and saw it was 4:38 pm in the afternoon and it was your leave, or somewhat you have to go home so you prepare your stuff and get ready to leave.

You took your bag and place it to the bed and change back to your proper clothing and left your room and head down where Charlize was. She was still in a call so you got her attention and pointed at the door and she gave you a thumbs up and gave you a air kiss, you gave her a air kiss too once you left.

You walk down the sidewalk back to your apartment and then rest again then cook dinner for yourself. You arrive and got the keys out of your bag "Hey pretty~" Tyler... your neighbor greeted flirtatiously and you were annoyed immediately as he stel closer to you leaning to you head "Hows little pretty doing?" He asked smirking at you "I'm... Good! Yes! Terribly GOOD!" You said annoyingly then unlocking your door and before he could speak you slam the door in his face and tired of his annoyance and his little cry and whining stuff!.

Even though you were lucky that someone likes you but still... nothing can change to Charlize. You walk to the counter and place down you bag then rest on the wooden stool near the aisle, you pick up your phone on your bag beside you and scroll down to social media. You receive a message from Charlize and open the chatroom.

Charlize Theron.

Yesterday at 6:18 pm

Charlize: hey y/n/n!! Can't come home today... mind if you take care of the house for a little moment? I'm sorry, I'll pay you 😘.

You: Aw! That's okay Charlize! I understand and I like spending around in your house as your maid 😊, specially with you :).

Charlize: Aww love, thank you, I'll be back bh tomorrow, you can sleep in my bed if you want to and you can use my shirts to be your pillow case ;).

You: Oh Charlize stoppppp!!! ><.

Charlize: I know, I can see you blushing even if I dont see ya, I'll see you tomorrow babe, love you. Good night pretty.

You: Good night :).

Just now at 4:43 pm

Charlize: did you get home safe love??

You: yes :) thank you.

Charlize: Okay good, thanks for take caring of my house dear, I'm so thankful you're here even in the bottom of my heart .

You: awww, its okay!!.

Charlize: Alright hun, make sure be safe okay?.

You: yep!! You too hun.

Charlize: I love you n/n.... so much

You: I love you too ♡.


I smiled at the her chats and turn off my phone and watch some TV.

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