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I write for fun and it is technically free you can always change you mind later on =).

Elaine had a schedule of the meeting she'll attend to, one of the meeting was just an interview of course, Elaine sighs and get her stuff ready, She was tired of work, Once Elaine saw you in the meeting room her day feels so easy. "Hello y/n.." Elaine says "oh hello.." y/n replied and silent was present all again, Elaine sit near Y/n to their right, Elaine kept glancing at y/n then the other workers and CEO or Managers on Business was here, and started the meeting. After the meeting y/n stood up and say good bye to the others and walk out to the door, and soon Elaine followed them "Y/n wait!" Elaine called "Hmm?.." Y/n stop and turn around looking at her gaze and Elaine walk up to y/n "Hey.. we haven't talk in a while..." Elaine smiles "Yeah..why is that?" Y/n reply "I don't know...I mean you hate me now I guess" Elaine said and y/n scoffed and look at Elaine again "You think?" Y/n smiles and pulls Elaine closes meeting their lips to Elaine, Her eyes widen as y/n continue to kiss her, y/n pulls away and smiled and left Elaine speechless "wa-wait!" Elaine called "Yes miss Markinson?" Y/n says Elaine "You free?.." Elaine ask "Um yeah why?" Y/n giggled as they knew what she'd planning to do "I'll meet you up at 6..text me the location" Y/n said and waves at Elaine and left walking to a taxi, Elaine smiles and shakes her head "What's going on..." Elaine said to herself and went back to her office and texted y/n.


Y/n L/n

Just now.

Elaine: Hey.. ********, that's the location are you sure your free? I mean I love that I'd be with you but are you free?..

Y/n: yes I am love, Thanks!! ♡♡

Elaine: Yeah no problem..See ya at 6

Y/n: yep! See ya!! ♡

Elaine: Be safe.. I love you..

Y/n: you too , love you more.


Elaine giggles at the last text that y/n send and did her work and left by 6. Y/n arrived at the restaurant where Elaine say where the location was, Y/n waited and saw Elaine getting out of her car, "Sorry for the wait.." Elaine says walking up to Y/n "no worries!" Y/n reply and they both walk inside the restaurant and seat on a table good for 2 people and ordered their food "y/n..you said you love me too..I said that just for you know to make you feel special to me.." Elaine explain "I do.." Y/n says barely heard by Elaine but she knows that y/n does "I love you too y/n.." Elaine said and hold you hand and y/n smile and hold her hand.

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