Charlize Theron

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~°•°~Beach day~°•°~


You grab your stuff and put them into your bag, Charlize had an idea to go on a beach day along with her two kids.

Your pov

I was their nanny but Charlize insisted that she can take care of the two kids so I said sure, I do the cleaning on the household and mostly everything. Cooking breakfast, lunch, dinner, cleaning the whole house, laundry, the kids stuff and so as hers.

I walk out of Jack room and went to August's room and prepare her stuff too. I got my stuff ready just earlier and Charlize was preparing hers.

I place August's stuff on her bag and the things she needs, she even helped me pack her stuff cute.

I put the two of the kids bags on my hand while I grab my on the other. We walk downstairs where Charlize was at and Jacks told Charlize that's they're ready so we head out.

We all grab our stuff and walk out of the house and Charlize grabs her car keys and hop in the driver's seat while the two kids hop in the back seat while I'm in the passenger seat.

We drove for a while reaching the beach. Some people were there too. Not too many but just right people and not crowded too.

We all hop out the car when Charlize parked it near the entrance of the beach. We all got to the trunk and held the things we needed and I help Charlize to grab the big umbrella and so the two kid's bag on my shoulder. Charlize grab the box cooler where we all have our drinks.

We all settled down and place the umbrella down and click it open, The umbrella was big and its totally good to stay there. The kids and Charlize changed into the swimming suit while I preparing the snacks and the other things.

When they got back, Charlize handed me a chocolate ice cream "Oh...Thank you" o smiled and she smiled back. The kids had their own ice creams too. After the kids ate their ice creams Charlize put on some sunscreen and her sunglasses on too.

She looks pretty hot tho...

I stare at her for quite a while and head back on watching the kids, a few minutes later Charlize stand up and grab my arm "Hmmm???" I look at her "Change! Were going swimming" She smirk "Oh! I dont want to-" She cut me off "Oh please! Why did you come here int he first place!" She said "Uhmm you said so-" I reply "Good, noe change!" I nodded and grab my bag and started to change in a nearby bathroom.

I change to my swimming suit and walk back to Charlize and put my bag down to the towel that is on the sand, I smiled when I saw her playing with her kids on the shore.

I walk to the shore with them and decided to join them

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