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-----Im taking you back-----

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Enjoy the chapters of this book that helps a lot!!
Love you all!!

Your pov

I was working on a super market just near my house, it was might time already and we were about to close.

Some constumers were still in the shop so we waited them to be done on their groceries, as they put their cart and place their needs on the counter.

They pay for the stuff and I put it on a secure bag for free as the market offers and we began to close down.

Some of the workers close the the other lights and I began to pack my stuff and leave.

I help them close the shop and we began walking home.

I walk home and unlock the door once I arrive and place my bag down

"Baby!! I'm home!" I called for my wife Lorraine but nothing answer.

I assume she was asleep?

I walk upstairs and open my bedroom door, it was my house by the way, the door creaks open and I saw Lorraine with another person...

I drop my keys and stare at both of them, making Lorraine wake up and look around and so look at me

"Honey...I can explain!" Lorraine stood up and walk over to me while my gaze was at the person then look down the wooden floor "I'm sorry! I was drugged okay! I'm sorry!!" She begged and I look at her and just walk down the stairs and grab my bag.

"Y/n! Please! Just hear me out!" Lorraine rush towards me and try to grab me but o took off my ring making her just stare at me and I threw it on the sofa and left the house and straight off to my Parents house.

When I arrive I knock on the door and my mom answer "Y/n? What are you doing here hun? Is something wrong?" She ask "Lorraine cheated on me...I'm going to rest mom" My mom just stare at me while I walk inside and my dad has work so I walk upstairs to the guest bedroom and lay down the bed.

I close the lamp and rest for the night...

I can't believe she done that to me... we've been married for almost 3 years...why would she ever do that?!...

My mind flows a tons of questions about it...

I eventually drift to sleep.

By the next day I recieved a call from her...I didn't pick up and just walk to the kitchen and ready some cereal.

Someone knocks on the door and I open it, I regret it and shut it and lock it.

"Y/N PLEASE! LISTEN!...just hear me out!!!" Lorraine begged "babe I love you...I'm taking you back to me...please...I'm sorry! I dont means anything to happen?! Just please listen to me!! Lest continue our marriage please!!" She cried and I just thought about it again...

Should I trust her again?.

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