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I was riding my bike to the park, but suddenly my tires felt a bit weird when I past through a building, I stop nearby and check "Flat...Okay" I sai disappointed and look around.

A car horns and stop in front of me. Someone came out and walk up to me "Are you okay?" A woman with light brown hair says as her green hazel eyes met mine.

"Yeah...uts just my back tire is...Flat" I said pointing at the tire on my bike and look up to her again "Oh, that good to hear...I though you were hurt" She says "Why??" I ask "Theres a broke glass above that apartment complex, a rock or a heavy thing just got thrown off there and I assume that made the window is broke and shattered just 6 minutes before you arrive" She says looking up to the building where theres some authorities or let's just say people who can help fixing or doing their job to keep the others safe and unframed.

"Ohhh...that makes sense" I said and she nodded "I'm Andy by the way..." she says and look back at my bike "Should I take you? Somewhere? Where are you going anyways??" She ask "Oh! Just in a nearby cafe! I'm Y/n, nice meeting you" She smiles and we hand shake.

"Okay, you can just come with me" She offers "Oh! That's okay! I'm actually...heading to fix my bike"i said "I could take your bike?" She ask "really?! Oh thank you!" I said happily "yeah sure, I'll take you to the cafe and come back and give your bike" She smiles and I'm having second thoughts.

What if she steals my bike??

Will she do it?...

"Uhmm! You can take me on the Vulcanizing shop" I said and smile "oh! That's okay!" She says and let me in the car.

I hop in to the passenger seat and put on my seat belt, she grabs my bike, my bike inst heavy so she can lift it up above the car and tie it up there. She hop in the driver's seat

We arrive at the shop and pump my tire some air "Thanks for taking me here Andy!" I smile "yep! No problem!" She says and I walk up to her with my bike "I'll go now okay? Thanks again!" I said "no problem at all Y/n, here just call me if you need me" She reply giving a piece of paper of her number on it and I nodded as I took it "Yep sure, Thanks andy" I smile widely and she nodded and wave at me, she hop in her car and drove off.

I hop in my bike and start peddling to the cafe I was going.

Gladly she didnt steal my bike...Hope not

I said to my head and kept riding the bike until I reach the cafe, i hop down and park my bike and put the paper on my bag and went inside the cafe.

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