Cold nights in Berlin

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I finally moved in Berlin. I hated living in Moldova. It wasn't beautiful all the time. Old men drunk everyday music blasting all the time.
I sighed as I entered my apartament. I would miss my childhood room so much. But there's nothing I can do, before I moved in I learned German. I wasn't fluent I had an bad accent though.
*time skip because I'm very lazy.*

It was 7pm. I made some soup, it didn't tasted like my mothers made it but it was still good. I went to the shop so I could buy some more food and snacks
When I entered the shop I went straight to the vegetable section, I got some cabbage (for varză calita stii ce zic ) red papers (ardei capia for life) patotes, tomatoes n cucumbers, onions, lettuce and other things after I went for some fruits I bought some apples, bananas, mango and some grapes then some snacks water n soda then left after paying but when I opened the door to leave I bumped into someone as I looked up I saw some tall man standing there I apologised in my Moldovan accent.
"Kenne ich dich?" He asked i paused I still didint knew that much German so it was hard but luckily I knew English
"Uh.. I don't know German.." I said in confusion he smirked then said "do I know you?, I've never seen you here. And I would recognise a pretty face like yours" He winked at me
"Uhm, I just moved here from Moldova... my name is Alexndra, you can call me Alex tho!" I said smiling then he grabbed me by the arms and screamed "Do you know who the fuck I am?" I got scared, I never heard about him in my entire life.
"No.. sorry.." I said scared
"I'm Tom Kaulitz, a mafia leader who's respected by everyone!" He shouted I could smell the alcohol in his breath I knew what he drank. Vodka mixed with sprite, casual mix in Moldova.
"Really? Vodka mixed with sprite?" I scoffed "Boring." He looked at me surprised.
"Listen no one talks back to me! I'm Tom kaulitz! You should respect me!" I scoffed at him again.
"Who ever respects you is definitely a idiot." I laughed in his face, I could see he got mad he turned red like a tomato I enjoyed every moment of annoying and making him mad. Then he started to grip on my hand
"RESPECT ME YOU LITTLE CUNT! I DONT CARE WHO YOU ARE AND WHERE YOU CAME FROM. YOU CANT FUCKING TALK BACK TO ME LAUGH AT ME SCOFF AT ME! GOT IT?" He screamed then I saw someone walk over he put his hand on Tom's guy shoulder and said something in german. Then he said something that I was annoying I . I snapped "Bitch what did you say?" They both looked at me surprised. Then the other guy said
"Hello! I'm Bill. Bill Kaulitz. Toms twin! I see your brave enough to stand up for yourself." He smirked god how much I wanna kick them in the balls and go back to my apartment. "Hi? I'm alexandra." I replied with a fake smile on my face. Bill guy whispered something in Tom's ear, Tom started smirking and grinning, he looked at me and played with his lip ring then I screamed at him
"LET ME GO YOU DUMBFUCK!" I looked him in the eyes then he let me go and replied with
"Your lucky you left without a scar cunt."
He said and going in the shop gosh what an arrogant. The bill guy whispered something to me.
"Come at the race tomorrow, see you there at 8:30 okay?" I didint replied I just ran back to my apartament. I got mad as fuck then searched who he was. He was a dangerous mafia leader who murdered 100 people in only 5 months. "What the fuck..." I whispered now I started to think what he and his big ass twin will do to me if I won't come. I looked at the clock it was 9:30. Mom was probably still awake so I decided to give her a call
"Alo?" (Translated to: "Hello?")
I smiled. I missed her sweet voice god how much I loved her.
"Hey mama!! Ce faci?" (Translated to: "Hey mom!! How are you?")
"Sunt bine! Tu cum esti?"
*(I'm good! How are you?" *

"Sunt bine! Ce face Andrei?"

*"I'm good! How's Andrei?"*

"E bine, e afara cu Alin."

*he's good, he's outside with alin.*

"OK!! Trebuie sa plec pa mama te iubesc!!"

*"OK! I need to go bye mom! I love you!!"*

"Paa si eu te iubesc"

*"bye! I love you too"*
I smiled then left to put the groceries on the counter and changed into something comfortable. And went to bed.

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