stranger danger p2.

431 8 1

"Missed me?" Tom. No fucking way, how did this pshyco find me?
"No, bye tom!" I said as I closed the door. His foot blocked it! Great.
''We both know you're alone." He whispered in my ear, gosh what does he want? "What do you want tom." What does he? "You." He started to kiss me, I didn't kissed back, I tried pulling away, damn this whore got stronger. "L-leave me alone Tom!" He pulled away and his hand slipped in my underwear
TW: R@P3
"No Tom! I don't want this!" I cried as he started rubbing me. "Tom please stop!" I cried again. "Goddammit let me inside of you." He said as he pulled down my shorts. "Shut the fuck up!" He yelled as he pulled down his boxers. "Fuck! Tom I don't want this!" I yelled as I cried harder. God please someone save me. He put himself in me and started thrusting. It reminded me of the time he raped me. All 4 times. Why me? Why?
"FUCK GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER YOU MONSTER!" my brother yelled as he jumped on Tom's back and pulled him away. I quickly got dressed and looked for my gun. I got it and went after Andrei and tom. "Tom. Get. Away. From. My. Brother. Or. I'll. Pull. The. Trigger." I said trying to sound calm. I was fuckign shaking !!
He got away from my brother and walked to me "I missed your scent alexandra. I missed you. I missed being inside you. I missed hugging you. I missed everything about you." He whispered softly "then why did you broke up with me huh?" He looked in my eyes. "I was embarrassed. Embarrassed of being seen with a lesbian." .......
"Fuck off tom! Leave." I pushed him out the door and closed it. "Are you okay?" Andre appeared behind me. "Yeah. I'm okay?...."

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