are you jealous? p2

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I ran upstairs and knocked on gustav's room

"Come in" I heard lennie say

"Hey I gotta ask you something" i said

"What happend ?" Asked Lori with a confused face

"Do you girls know why was Tom acting all kind sweet n funny?" I looked them in the eyes then they looked at eachother and back at me
"Uhm I think it's a trap so he could get rid of ariana so you could be his pet.. and manipulate you.." She said
"What do you mean get rid of ariana? How?" I asked confused

'Well.... he kills her.. shots her brains out.." I gasped
"No way! Thank you for telling me, I'll make sure to not fall in his trap, but what do I need to do so I wouldn't like fall in his trap?" I was pretty confused but kinda scared of what's gonna happen with ariana, she doesn't deserve to die even if she's annoying and I want to slap the shit out of her.
"Well don't hang out with him? Be cold I guess?" Lennie said
"Oh okay.." I said
"Hey wanna watch a movie!" Asked Lori
"Yeah sure!!" Me and lennie said at the same time
"Jinx." I winked at lennie and then we ran downstairs to see that we were alone , we entered the kitchen to find Rachel bandaging ariana's arm
"Hey ari, what happened with your arm? Did tom do something to you? If he did I'll punch that cunt" I said
"It's okay.. I still don't know your name tho" replied ariana
"It's Alexndra! But everyone calls me Alex!" I smiled at her
"I like your eyes Alex." She said smiling
"I like your eyes too.." I said smiling, ariana had beautiful brown hair with blond highlights and blue eyes, pinkish lips and a button nose, she's very beautiful .

We all watched a movie, half way of the movie we we're all asleep on the couch


I woke up with lennie sleeping with her head on my thighs, i was still on the couch. Lori Rachel and Ariana wasn't here, probably they we're in their rooms i shaked lennie's shoulder
"Lennie come on wake up" I said
She opened her eyes and sat up

"What time is it?" I looked around for a clock

"It's uh 6am" She groaned
"I'm going back to georgs room.."
She left, i got up and went into my room and checked the time, it was probably 5am in Moldova, I messaged Andrei, we haven't talked since I left
(I'm not gonna do the messages in her native language because I'm to lazy to explain sorry😔"

"Hey, are you sleeping?"

"No, why?"

"Can you call? I'm very bored."


"Hey how are u lil bro?"

"I'm fine, how are you?"

"I'm okay, how's with elena?"

"She literally broke up with me yesterday because I said that I missed you .." I laughed loudly

"I feel you."

"Hey whats with the background sounds?" He asked I listened carefully to realise.... TOM WAS FUCKING ARIANA??

"I don't know what you are talking about." I said

"Okay then, do you have a boyfriend??"

"Nope,I haven't had one since me and cata broke up, I don't miss him tho, it was pretty boring after one year into the relationship.." I said

"It ain't my fault sis" He said laughing then I heard Tom's door and footsteps
"Hey what's that?" Asked Andrei

"I don't know, wait" I said and then Tom came into my room aggressively
"Who are you talking to?" He asked angrily
"A boy? Why do you care!" I said
"Because! Ugh give me your phone!" He got my phone
"Dont call this number again!" He yelled and threw the phone in my face.

"WHAT? IM NOT ALLOWED TO TALK WITH MY BROTHER NOW?" I yelled at him, when he heard that I had a brother he looked confused
"Wait.. you have a brother? Why didn't you told me!" He yelled

"You never asked! Now leave me alone! Go back to fuck the shit out of ariana! Go! Leave me alone!" I said, he came closer to me and slapped me so hard my face was probably red
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I slapped him too. I wasn't gonna stand there like an idiot.
He stopped when I slapped him and came closer to me smirking
"Come on hit me again" He said
I did slapped him again just like he wished.
"Again." I did again and then he kissed me randomly,
"Gosh, you turn me on when you scream or hit me." He said, what the fuck? This man is fucking insane, he needs to go to am mental hospital.

"You're disgusting." I pushed him and ran out of the room.

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