Im sorry.

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Alexandra is 2 months pregnant now..

3:25 AM.

I woke up to a strange feeling...
I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet and peed, I didint looked down at first because I was too sleepy.
I fell down when I saw what was down on my legs. I started crying .

I woke up to crying, I noticed alexandra wasn't next to me, up and went into the bathroom, my heart broke when I saw her crying with blood on her thighs.
"ALEXANDRA, WHATS WRONG?" I yelled kneeling down next to her

"I'm sorry.." She lost the child.
"COME ON WE NEED TO TAKE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL COME ON!" I said and took her in my arms and went downstairs and took my keys.
"What happend? Where are you guys going?" I turned to see gustav.
"ALEXANDRA IS LOOSING THE CHILD I NEED TO GO" I ran to the car and put alexandra in the passenger seat and got into the drivers seat.
"it's gonna be okay!" I said as I drove fast.

We got to the hospital, the nurses took her.
It was 4:34am.

I started to rethink my whole life.

***next day***

"Tom its okay its not your fault." She said
"IT IS NOW SHUT UP." I snapped and slapped her. She looked at me with tears in her eyes
"Why did you do that.." She asked and started crying
"STOP CRYING SHUT UP YOU SLUT" I started slapping her again and again untill she fell to the ground .
"Maybe I should get rid of you." I said with a smirk, and I went downstairs and locked her in.

"Boys! Office!" I yelled at them.


"Boys! Office!" We heard tom yell. I didint thinked much of it.
"Hey.. what if they get rid of us?.. I mean I heard tom yell at alexandra and a few slaps.." Said Rachel kinda scared.
"They won't, I promise." I smiled at her
They all came  after 20 minutes, they looked sad but tom looked... Happy?
"Bill you kill them okay?" We heard tom say. We froze
"Yeah.." bill said before taking Rachel by her shirt and threw her into the car. Same with me and Lori, then alexandra.
"Bill why are you doing this!" Rachel cried
"Listen here's the plan." Bill said with a serious face
"Here's some money, you guys are staying at a hotel. Tom shouldn't know that you guys are alive so I bought some hair dying shit and we'll keep in touch." I smiled at bill's words. He was always sweet.

***a few days later***


I got a message from bill.

Billy: Hey alexandra, can you come to the race tonight? At 9:30 you should be there. And please bring the other girls too, we miss them.
-hey bill! Of course we'll come.

I got up and went where the girls were
"Hey bill texted, race tonight, he and the Gs miss us." I smiled and their faces lit up
"When!?" Rachel asked exited
"9:30" i smiled at her
It was 7:55 so we showered and got ready .
It was 9:25 when we got there, we walked to them and Bill smiled at us.
"Hey, just so you know tom might talk with you, be careful" I gave bill thumps up and smiled, Bill and Rachel hugged,  and Lori n lennie went to the Gs.
I saw Tom walking to me, I didint looked him in the eye
"Hey beautiful" he said, it broke my heart. Bill signaled me to keep the act
"Hey handsome" I smiled at him
"Can I take you for a ride?" I smiled
"Sure handsome" I missed late night car rides with tom.
We got into the car and he opened his mouth to say something.

"You remind me of someone." He gave me a sad smile.
"Really? Who?" I asked
"My next girlfriend" we both started laughing
"And you remind me of someone actually." He raised a brow
"Who?" He asked confused
"A boy I used to date, he was sweet but one night he randomly slapped me and we broke up" I smiled.
"Well I'm sorry" He looked confused.

"See you later babe" He yelled at me
"Yeah.." I wasn't gonna come here again.

"Hey what the fuck." Rachel said
"Hm?" I asked confused
"Why did he filtrt like that! I tought he loved you! What a man whore." I rolled my eyes
"I'm not gonna come back here anyways if he didint wanted me as alexandra. Why would he want me as Eselin?...

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