accidents happens

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"Tom...I... YES!!!" I jumped into his arms holding him tight. "I love you.." my heart melted to his words.
"I love you too Tom." I heard him sniffle
"Oh my god! Are you crying??" I asked Tom
"No." He said while looking in my eyes, he's such a good liar.
[Shut the actually fuck up]

****time skip****

"Hey so tonight we are going to a club!!" Said lennie jumping up and down.
I didint wanted to go but I went for lennie's sake

"Okay, when?"
"Uhh... 7pm" it was 6:30

"Let me take a shower"

**time skip at the club**

"Come on let's go drink!" Lennie said exited

"Okay so what do you want?"
[alcoholic hoe🤍]

"Uhm i dont drink but I'll get a strongbow"
[My fav drink to get drunk🤭🤭]

"ok, lame but here" I opened the can and drank.
"Get me two more please" I begged lennie
"I tought you didint drank..."
"You tought wrong".

[Bitch you said that with your mouth😝]

She gave me the beer and I drank a lot like 5 I dunno

After a few hours ***

"Hey wheres Tom and the others?" I asked while looking around
"Hm... I don't know let me call them.."
Said lennie with a confused face

***after she made the call bcs I'm lazy***

"They said they are in the V.I.P section so let's go" lennie said before dragging me there

When we entered I froze..

Tom was making out with some random blonde.

I couldn't do anything not even move,not speak just stay there frozen

"TOM WHAT THE FUCK!?" When I yelled he immediately pushed the girl off him, I didint let him speak with me I just took gustavs hand to drive me home, I knew he didint drank because he doesn't really drink.

"I can't belive he did this gustav!" I cried while gustav was driving

"I don't know what to say, he invited her there and they started making out. I'm sorry" I gave gustav a shy smile

"It's not your fault gusty" gustyyy🫶🏼

After we got home gustav went to take the others

I sat down on the couch and waited, I saw Tom holding the same blond girls hand. He took her to his room and slammed the door. I immediately broke down
"please don't cry its okay he's an idiot" said bill while hugging me, he's such a sweetheart I love him so much
After calming I thought for a while
"Maybe I should break up with him tomorrow?" I asked bill
"Okay, but he might go all crazy"
"It's fine, I'll tell him what I've seen and that I want to leave and break up with him, then I'm finally free!" I said exited
"Okay but make sure to keep in touch with us please!" Georg said, he looked kinda sad.

***time skip next day***

I woke up to someone screaming

I slept with Rachel last night while bill spell on the couch, he's so sweet
I quickly got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. After I was done I went downstairs and made some breakfost obviously, I didint made Tom any.

While cooking I saw some hands around my waist, it was bill's hands, he was hugging me awh such a sweetheart

[A/N: I love Bill so much please he's the sweetest🫶🏼😞]

"Good morning sleeping beauty!" I smiled at him and gave him his breakfast then I saw Tom coming from upstairs
"Hey love, did you make something to eat?" Tom asked , I gave him the silence treatment.

I just looked down. I didint wanted to talk to him till 4pm wheni I broke up with him. It was 10am sadly

"Hello?" He waved his hands in my face, I got up and went into gustavs room to give him his and his girls breakfast and did the same to georg and his girl and Rachel.

"I don't get any?" Tom asked confused, I didint looked his way I just took my plate and sat down next to bill
"So bill. Do you wanna go shopping today?"
"Sure, I need some new brushes and other stuff, georg broke my favorite eyeliner somehow" bill said annoyed
"We should get Rachel lennie and Lori too!" I said exited
"Yeah! Maybe I can help you with some outfits, no offence but your clothes are boring" damn that hurt ma heart💔
"No need to be mean" I rolled my eyes and put the plate in the sink.
"Okayy so I'm gonna go ask the girls and I'm gonna be right back" I ran to Rachel's room to find all the 3 girls hanging out.
"Okay so, you guys are coming with me and Bill at the mall, I don't care if yall don't want to, you're still coming" I gave them a smile
"Okay, when are we leaving?"
"I don't know I think at 12 Let me ask bill" I said while running back in the kitchen
"Okay so can we leave at 12?"
"hmm.... sure go get ready its already 11am." I smiled at him and got ready after telling the girls
***time skip, it's 4pm and its time bitches 🙏🙏***

I dragged Tom to his room and slammed the door
"so now I exist huh?" Gosh, what a jerk

"We are breaking up, you litteraly cheated on me and fucked a random girl tom. I just can't be with you anymore."
His eyes started to water
"Look, I'm sorry I was drunk! Accidents happen, you know?"

"No Tom that isn't an accident." I felt a tear roll down down cheek
"Please forgive me darling. It won't happen again I swear!" I ain't forgiving this cunt

"No Tom I can't forgive you right now. Give me some time, okay?" He nodded, I just left and my suitcase was already in bill's truck.
"So, what did he do?"
"He told me to forgive him and swore that it won't happen again, and said something like "Accidents happen."
"Yeah, maybe you should forgive him after a week or two, I'll tell you when he's depressed" aha.
"Okay bye bill, I love you so much!" I hugged bill and got into my apartament, I threw the suitcase on the floor and got into bed. I missed this bed...

***a few weeks later***

Bill: hey, can you talk?
-sure, what's up?
Bill: okay so since you left Tom is kinda depressed now and he hasn't brought a girl since you left so, can you come back?
-oh, okay sure let me pack and I'll text you when to come, okay?
Bill:I'm already on my way...

***time skip because I'm lazy as fuck...***

"Okay go knock on his door!"

I was standing in front of Tom's door.
**knock knock**
"Bill leave me alone."
**knock knock**
"Oh my gosh what!" I heard his footsteps and when he opened the door he froze.

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