I gotta let you go.

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I woke up in a bed. I looked around, I was in a hospital? On my left was a sleeping Andrei. And on the right was bill. "Hey Ale." I smiled at him "Hey bill." "I'm sorry." Sorry for what? "You're sorry for what Bill?"... "Sorry I didn't stopped her." I sighed. "Bill its okayafter down worry." He smiled and hugged me.
"I saw the tattoos." Oh. The tattoos..
"Yeah.. wheres Tom?" He bit his lip. "About that, he's back in Germany. He said that he's letting you go." Letting me go?..."what happend tho?" "Well. Mia shoot you, tom shoot mia and Laura after he saw the tattoos and realised that you've always loved him no matter what. And you've been in a coma for 3 months. It's November." I smiled. "Okay. I gotta go." He raised a brow "where are you going alexandra?" "I'm going after him bill. I love him too much to leave him" He nodded as I got dressed took my keys gun and some money. "Tell Andrei to not come after me.'' And I left.


I sighed as I knocked on his door. Luckily bill sent me his address.
"I swear to god georg. I'm not coming!" He yelled as he opened the door.
"I'm not gonna leave you tom." I hugged him and he hugged me back. "I love you tom." He sighed. " I love you too alexandra." I put my hands on his neck and he put his around my waist. We started making out.

He closed the door and we went into his bedroom. He locked the door. And he put me on the bed. He threw off his shirt and I took mine off. "I'm sorry for raping you." He said thru kisses. "It's okay tom. I'll still love you. No matter what." He smiled in the kiss. He took off his pants and took my shorts off. He took off his boxers and put his tip in my entrance.
"I'm sorr-" "Shut up and fuck me." He smirked and started thrusting into me, fuck how I missed this.

I woke up with banging on the door.
"Tom wake up someone's at the door." I whisper-yelled as I shook him "fine" He groaned as he put his boxers and some pjs pants.


I sighed and I opened the door. My eyes widened when I saw who it was "Mia?.." shit the fuck is she doing here!!
"Hii Tommy!!!" She giggled and hugged me. Fuck! "Get off of me." She death stared me. "Come on tom. She's dead get over it." She sighed in annoyance. "Tom what's taking so long!" I heard alexandra behind me. "Mia?" She said looking shocked. "Hi baby! I missed you so much" dam she knew how to act. "Shut the fuck up mia you shoot me." She scoffed "Laura shoot you! And I shoot you in the leg tho.." I sighed "Mia leave. What happend between us was 3 months ago. Thanks . Bye leave !" Alexandra looked at me with a angry face then left. "I'll ruin your life Tom Fucking Kaulitz." I scoffed, luckily I had my gun in my boxers. (how did it got there tom.." I got it and shoot her heart. She fell to the floor and my bodyguards took her away.
I went after alexandra but she wasn't on my bed. She was on the living room couch. I sighed sometimes she's too difficult. "Babe ! What I meant by 3 months ago was when yk.." She looked at me and nodded. Then she jumped in my arms. "I fucking love you tom kaulitz." ... "I fucking love you too Miruna Alexandra."

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