Successful or unsuccessful escape?

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"Okay tom i'll let you do it." I said  and looked him in the eye kinda sad that i didint tought twice.
"Wait really?" Tom asked with a smile, I tought twice and realised that I might get pregnant and that's not what I wanted.
"Actually. No I don't wanna do it, I might get pregnant and my mom won't be so proud. And she'd say "Seriously Alexandra? You're getting an abortion'' and I don't wanna fight with her yk?" I said his smile faded
"Okay I understand i guess" his back facing me now . I sighed and went to sleep

***time skip next day***

I woke up early it was 6am somehow I wasn't used to waking up this early so I just got up and went into the kitchen and made some breakfast,
I sat down and ate when I heard the door slam and looked that tom was somehow panicked and ran quickly downstairs
"Are you ok? Tom?" I asked while eating when he was me he didint looked that panicked
"I tought you escaped since you never wake up so early" I wish i could of escaped tho.
"I didint I'm here. Are you hungry?" I asked
"No, but make me some thing please." I got up and put the plate in the sink
"What do you want to eat?"
"I don't care, make some sandwiches"
I made him 4 sandwiches I didint knew how much he wanted so I made 4
"Here you go" I said and gave him a glass of water too
"Thanks." I was kinda surprised he didint really said 'please' and 'thank you'

"I'll go take a shower" I didint planed to take a shower I planned to jump out the window and leave
I quietly jumped out the window bit before I locked the door and turned the shower on so i wouldn't be caught.
After quietly jumping, I looked around and jumped a little fence and I started running somewhere, after 30 minutes I finally got into my apartament and it was unlocked. I was so relieved that I escaped that man whore.
I got in and I had a key on the table and locked the door, I had my phone in my pocket luckily so I went and charged it.


After she made me the sandwiches she went to take a shower.

It has been 30 minutes since she was in the water and I went in and realised that the bathroom door was locked
"Alexandra open the door" I asked while knocking. *no respons* I got angry and started banging
"ALEXANDRA OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR" I yelled and still no response, bill came in and asked me what's wrong.
I told him that alexandra isn't responding
"Hey bring me one of those things Rachel uses for her hair"
"A hair clip thing?" I sighed
"Yes Bill now hurry" He started running and he came back with it
I opened the lock with it only to find the window open and alexandra not being there.
"FUCK" I yelled and ran downstairs and got into my car and started driving to see if I could find her.
She wasn't here. She left.
I went back home
***a few days later***
Bill came into my room
"Hey tom did you thinked of checking her apartment?" Then it hit me. She's there she has to be there.
"No. I should go there." I said as I got up and put my jacket on and got my car keys
"Let me come with you i have an idea we should get the girls and they should come in first and then I get the girls out you go in and take her back okay?" Damn I should let bill make plans more.
"That's a good one."


It's been a few days and tom still didint found me, I was so happy these days.
Untill I heard a knock. I looked through the door window and saw that it was just the girls, no tom no bill no gustav, no georg.
I opened the door for them and they came in after a few minutes they left somehow and when they left before I closed the door someone put their hand on it and pushed it. It was Tom.
"Why did you left slut." He was angry .
"I-" before I even replied he slapped me so hard that I fell to the floor
"I don't wanna hear it. You were supposed to obey me you dumbfuck."
He then started to beat me with his belt then I blacked out.

I started to beat her up with me belt and she blacked out. I looked at her and she looked so bad. I started to feel bad so I tried getting her out and take her to the hospital. It was hard since she stayed at the 2nd floor. I accidentally dropped her downstairs and I heard a crack. I got scared and took her up so fast and started running to the car.

I drove to the hospital
"SOMEONE HELP" I screamed and a few nurses took her. I stayed a few hours waiting.
A nurse came to me
"Mr. Kaulitz I'm sorry but.."


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