failed sleepover

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I ran out of the room going to the bathroom downstairs and locked myself in. I heard heavy footsteps which means that Tom's coming. He tried getting in but the door was locked.
"Come on out. I won't do anything to you i swear!" He said, I didint belive him, how I wish someone will come in here and get tom away, untill I heard a voice speaking "Tom?" I couldn't figure it out who it was.
"Yes darling, I'm coming right now go back in bed and wait for me, okay?"I realised its ariana thank god.
"Okay..." She said and I heard footsteps and the door.

"Come on Alex. Get out I don't have time for this." He said how much i hate this man.
"Just leave I'll come out." I said .
"Fine." He said and left I opened to door and quickly ran upstairs and got into my room but someone pulled me by the waist and started kissing me. It was Tom. I knew I shouldn't of belived him. I'm such a idiot, he started groaning in my mouth and threw me on the bed without breaking the kiss, I didint kissed back. I hate this idiot and I'll always will.

He got up and looked into my eyes
"Why aren't you kissing me back?" He asked in a tone I didint heard.
"I don't want to." I said looking in his eyes.
"Why not?." Gosh why was he asking so much questions!?
"Just leave, arianas waiting for you." I said avoiding eye contact.
"No. I don't want her." the fuck did he meant?
"Just leave please." I was kinda scared to what he's gonna do to me.
"I don't wanna leave." I looked in his eyes again.
"Why not? Please just do it." He just looked at me before replying
''She's not giving me pleasure!" What the fuck is this man talking about
"But I literally heard you groan!"
''They weren't mine.. " He looked away
"Okay, and what do you want me to do right now?" I asked
"Idk... let me fuck you?"
"No Tom I don't want to. You know what how about i make you something to eat alright?" He nodded and we went into the kitchen
"Okay! What does your tummy crave!"
"Do you still have that salami?" I nodded
"Then make me a sandwich but not a basic one, put some tomatoes I don't know, but please faster I'm hungry!" I laughed "Okay!" I made him a sandwich with tomatoes and onions
"Ready! Please rate the chef!" I said giggling he smiled and took a bite and another untill he finished
"This is so good!" He said smiling
"I used to make this to my little brother when we we're alone and I only had salami tomatoes and onions, when I'll fly home I'll make him some more" I smiled at the memory.
"How many siblings do you have?"
"Only one. After my brother my mom didint wanted anymore kids tho, I'd like a sister brothers are annoying! He'd used to come in leave the door open and leave!" I laughed and he just listened
"I'd beat him up after but he'd always tell me on mom and she'd beat me up with the broom" it was dead silence and I got pretty bored
"You know what I'm gonna go sleep I'm tired" I said and left I didint heard Tom's footsteps, he probably stayed in the kitchen. A few hours later I woke up with the Rachel lennie and Lori in my bed
"Wake up sleepyhead! We're having a sleepover!!" Said Rachel
"What time is it?" I groaned
"Uhm 3:30 pm, its weird how you can sleep that long, anyways do you know what happened last night I heard doors being slammed and yelling" said Lori confused
"Oh it was just me and Tom fighting and then me making him food" they gasped
"Did he hit you??" I thinked if I should tell them.
"Yeah he slapped me but I slapped him like 3 times lol" they started laughing their asses off which made me laugh too
"And what did he do?"
"He told me to slap him again and again because it turned him on!" I started laughing so hard that bill had to come and tell us to calm down.

***time skip***

It was 8pm and the boys left somewhere and it was time for our sleepover but after a while we heard a knock, we all looked at eachother and I looked through the window. And we saw a van
"Girls let's hide I'll text tom" I whispered and quickly ran into Tom's room locking the door and hiding under the bed


A: hey tom can you come home?
T: no. I'm busy I can't
A: tom please a van pulled here and they're knocking.
T: go hide somewhere, we are coming right now.
A: faster tom please they got into the house!

"Okay Tom's coming now.. " I whispered to them. Thank god tom had a big ass bed so we fitted in
"Wait.. wheres ariana?..." I asked

"Shit she was in the bathroom!" Whisper yelled Lori then we heard a gun shot.


A: hey tom can you come home?
T: no. I'm busy I can't
A: tom please a van pulled here and they're knocking.
T: go hide somewhere, we are coming right now.
A: faster tom please they got into the house!
*seen at 8:35pm*
*seen at 8:45*

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