I loved you.

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"Come on lets go to bed." I said while tom was crying his eyes out.

"Okay." He sniffled.

We arrived in his room and we sat down and he fell asleep and so did I.

(You're gonna regret this girl 😭...)



I faked being asleep untill she did.
It was my time to shine.
I slowly got up and took off my shirt and my pants, I was only in boxers, I went to the door and locked it. I smirked and went in bed and slowly took off her pants and underwear. She made me horny just by looking at me. I took off my boxers and spreaded her legs apart so i could enter. I slowly put myself in her. She didint woke up she's a deep sleeper. Thank god. I started thrusting faster and faster in her. I was moaning which probably woked her up because she started screaming at me to get off of her. Oh alexandra. You don't know what's coming dear.


After tom and alexandra left, gustav Lori georg and lennie with Rachel came to me and asked if I wanted to play cards with them. I agreed and we started playing.
After a while we heard moaning. But it was Tom's.
(Bill how do you know??)
"Someone's having funn" Rachel giggled
"We should spy!" Lori said
"Wait guys no. Its Tom's moaning only.." I said confused. Then we heard alexandra screaming at tom to get off of her. Was he... Raping her?.....
I quickly got up and ran to his door and tried opening it. Locked. Fuck.

WHATS  HAPPENING?" I banged on it.
"Leave Bill! You're ruining the moment." He groaned and I could see the smirk on his face. There's nothing I could do. Poor alexandra. Maybe she shouldn't of told him...


I woke up to Tom's moans. What the fuck? I felt something inside of me. I opened my eyes and saw Tom on top of me.. He was fucking me.. I fell in his trap. I'm so stupid
"TOM! GET OFF OF ME!" I screamed trying to push him off of me. It didint worked then I heard heavy footsteps. They were bill's. Thank god.
He tried opening the door. It was locked..
"TOM OPEN THE DOOR! WHATS HAPPENING?" He asked banging on the door. Tom groaned before yelling at him to leave him alone because he was ruining the moment. He had a smirk on his face. How did I loved this man?..

A/N well everyone does mistakes 🙏..
Anyways I made a band yesterday yall 🤗🤗

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