Happy birthday.

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"Mr.kaulitz I'm sorry but she's in a coma" my heart broke in that moment. It was all my fault.
"and she has a broken arm and she has an head injury." She broke her arm because of me. It's my fault.
"Okay. Thank you. Call me when she's awake" I said as I left and got into my car
"It's all my fucking fault!" I cried and drove off. I didint even looked to see how much I speed the car, I just wanted to go home and sleep.
I got out of the car and got opened the door
"Where's alexandra? I tought you got her?" Bill said
"She's in the hospital bill! I fucked up!" I cried in my brothers arms.
"What did you do tom?.." I didn't replied I was sobbing, I looked him in the eye
"She has an broken arm and a head injury bill! I fucked up so bad and now she's in a coma!" I sobbed harder
"It's okay tom.. at least she isn't dead, she'll wake up from the coma don't worry its okay." He comforted me and I stopped crying
"I'm gonna go sleep" I mumbled and went upstairs

I was shocked when I heard what tom said. He did fucked up

"Did he really needed to beat her up?" Asked Rachel
"I don't know. I hope he won't do it again..."



I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't. The light made me blind I tried opening my eyes untill I did
I looked around me and I noticed I was in the hospital I had a broken arm....
did tom beaten me up that bad?...
I saw a doctor come in
"Oh hello, I see your awake, I'm gonna go call your boyfriend in is that alright?" I scoffed "he's not my boyfriend." He left.
Then I saw Tom come in.

"I'm sorry.." I scoffed "Oh shut up you could've of just slap me and that's all. Not beat me up you cunt." I spat, I didint needed his apology. I'll never forgive him.
"Anyways how long was I unconscious?" He avoided eye contact. Coward.
"3 weeks, look I'm sorry I didint wanted to hurt you that bad. Please I need you" He sounded sorry, maybe I should forgive him but I need to stay away from.him from now on.
"I guess I forgive you." His face lit up and came and hugged me tight
"I promise I'll make you feel better, belive me." I hugged him back he pulled back and kissed me on the lips, I kissed him back and put my arms around his neck
"I knew you wanted me so badd" Tom said after puling away, I rolled my eyes and we left.


"I have an ideea" I said while looking at tom "No, your ideas are stupid."
"No listen, you come in and act sad and then say that I died and I'll climb through your bedroom window and you stay with them till midnight and then I'll come downstairs and we make out in front of them" I said already laughing thinking at the faces they might make
"Youre so smart right now" Tom said while laughing, we did as planned and I went on the stairs where no one would see me so I could hear everything .


I opened the door after helping Alexandra through the window.
"Hey tom! Why so sad?" Lennie asked
"I'm sorry..." I whispered and fell to my knees sobbing.

Bill came running to me and hugged me
"It's okay tom calm down what happend?" I continued sobbing
"She passed away bill, she didint make it!" I said sobbing harder.



I came downstairs sat on Tom's lap and started making out with him in front of everyone, they all gasped when they saw me. After making out I looked at them and I started laughing with tom
"You cunt! I tought she was dead!!" Bill started crying and hugging me.
"Hey did yall know that tomorrow is litteraly alexandras birthday?" Said Lori
"Wait, why don't I know?" Tom said in a sad face
"Because you didint asked cunt" I said while laughing

***time skip it's alexandras birthday yall🫂***

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEXANDRA!!!" I woke up to everyone's yelling.
I hugged everyone and thanked them.
Untill tom came to me and sat down in front of me.

"Alexandra, will you be my girlfriend?" Everyone gasped, so did I to be honest
"Tom... I...

A/N: HELLO EVERYONE 😚💗🖤🖤 I think cunt is my favorite word, CUNT CUNT anyways alexandra does have felling for tom lol🥰..
Happy birthday alexandra cunt
bye fotze🙏🙏🫂🫂💗💗💗😚😚
thanks for the views and votes by the way👀👀👀🙏🤍💜🤍

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