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I kissed Mia on the lips and we went downstairs, as we walked mia slapped my ass. I turned to look at her and raised a brow and she giggled.
"Hi guys" they nodded as their eyes were glued to the tv
"Oh my god miru, you won't belive who was at our door in the morning!" Andre said getting up and jumping up and down.
"Oh, who?" I asked confused
"Fucking Zach. Your favorite ex from all 12 exs! He's in the guest room He brought that bitch with him anyways." I nodded and I took mia's hand and we left.


"What do you mean from all?" Tom asked
"Oh well she dated like 5 guys and 3 girls. The first 2 were abusive and it happend when she was 15. And at 16 she got into gang shit and so did I and here we are! Fucking rich and having hoes kissing our feet and being on our dick and pussy." I rolled my eyes.
"But the best part is that I can race! Oh my god I remember the first time in Dubai when I won against Miru! She was so mad... I got the best whooping on my ass at home. She knew I cheated and we never cheat, we are just honest" I shrugged then alexa or whatever her name is came
"What? Hoe you were supposed to be home 2 hours ago! Bitch is that my shirt?" I got angry and she nodded looking sad
"Okay. This time I'm letting you stay." I shrugged because usually I don't let em hoes stay.
She smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back and kissed me as I kissed back I pulled away.
"Yk you're my favorite" She smiled and I kissed her again.
"Pack your things. You're moving in" She looked surprised and got dressed then left. I sighed.
"Yo Toe, tomato Thomas the train, tomeh the fuck your name is get your ass over here." I said and the others brushed out laughing at the names I called him.
"The fuck did you called me!" He yelled angrily and grabbed my by my collar.
"Yo whore. Forgot who's my sister n who I am? I can get your ass out of here any second I feel like it." He put me down and I smirked.
"did you knew that you look like the male version of Alex?" I smiled
"Oh my gosh yes ong but if she was a man I'd still have a bigger cock" I put my hands on my hips and smiled proudly
"Oh gosh Andre not again! I told you 35 times that I'm not a man!" Alexandra came over with 3 hickeys on her and mias shirt out of her pants and her hair everywhere
"Oh my god! Why do I still live with you! Mia please leave this bitch because im fucking tired of your sex." I groaned and hid behind Tom.
"Hey sexyyy" I said and put my hand on Tom's hips and humped him
"Oh my gosh!!! Faster daddyyyy!" The others laughed.
"Ohh turn to daddy so you can suck my dildo" i fake moaned and tom turned around and got on his knees he fake gave me head and the others laughed as I fake moaned.
"Olay bitch I'm done" I said as I threw tom on the floor jokingly
"Ohh daddy!!! I tought you were gonna be inside me tonight!" He said in a sad high pitched voice
"No fucking way that sounded like ariana!" Miru said as she fell to the floor laughing
"Ong stop laughing you sound like a dying peacock and your laughter is giving me cancer stage 4." I groaned and took my keys.
"Where's are you going?" I turned my head to see Rosie, I remembered her name. Rosie.
"hi bae, come with me racing" She smiled and we left



"Okay Tom, Good appetite !" I smiled as I made Tom his favorite sandwiches.
"Thank you!" I nodded
"You're welcome, anyways have you seen Mia anywhere?" I looked around the kitchen and living room for Mia
"I don't know, have you looked upstairs?" He asked as he ate. Then I heard some moaning.
"Shit Tom fuck do you hear the moans?" It was mia's moans. My heart sank into my chest
"Oh. Yeah... wait let me come with you ." He said as he put the sandwich down on the table and we went downstairs.
We got to our room and when I opened the door......

"MIA WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled and tears formed in my eyes. There she was. With her fucking ex having sex.
"I-I SWEAR THIS ISNT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE I SWEAR!" She said as she got off the bed and put some shirt on.
"No I don't wanna fucking hear it!" I said angrily.
"Oh and you know what? It's the time you fucking die Mia. ITS NOT THE FIRST TIME YOU DO THIS!" I got so angry I pulled her hair dragged hair downstairs and stood her brains out.
"Fuckinh slut." I felt someone's hands on my waist, I turned around and saw Tom hugging me from behind. I hugged him back and I cried in his arms.
"shh, its okay. She wasn't worth your time" how can his words be so comforting? He was right. She was never worth my time.
"Are you mine now?.." He whispered in my ear. I giggled and nodded my head.


"Oh my god! Stop!" I yelled as tom kept pushing me into the water.
"BILL GET YOUR TWIN AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed at bill while laughing
"Nuh uh! He's your boyfriend so you deal with it!" then it hit me, I planned on asking tom out again, I wanted to give him a chance again.
"Hey tom I need to tell you something" I smiled as he stopped and started smiling like a idiot.
"What?" He raised a brow and still smiling.
"Will you be my boyfriend?" He looked shocked then pulled me in a kiss.
Finally. Happiness.

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