I miss you !!

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"Tom leave her alone." I told tom after he left alexandra's door. "No bill! I need her." I scoffed, I heard him. I heard her cries for help. "Tom. I heard it." His eyes widened and looked at me "you did?.."
"Yes. No need to rape her Tom. She gave you one chance, you ruined it!" He rolled his eyes. "Shut it!" I started to drive to the mansion we bought in Moldova. Its pretty nice here.


"Fucking hell! Lennie come here." I yelled after lennie "What's wrong?" I didn't replied. I put my hands around her waist and started kissing her. She kissed back, I went from her lips to her neck , her boobs, her stomach then back to her lips. "I need to be inside you len." She looked "len?" She mumbled "you never call me that." I smiled.

(I don't feel like writing smut so bye)

"Holy shit! Ali are you kay?" I yelled and went after my sister. "Y-yes I am okay raf." I smiled. Raf was my nickname from Rafael. "Come on. Let's pack our things and we're going to Tokyo." I've always wanted to go in Tokyo. I heard there's some drifting place in there. I can do some races there. I mean we, "Okay." She said as I helped her up.


"Okay the car's gas is at full. I think we can go with it in Tokyo. I know how to drive there. (Yes ong my mum came from England with her car. I mean from England to Romania just with a car?.)
"Sure." Laura and Rosie said at the same time, I found out that laur and my sister are a couple. It's been a week since they're together I think? I don't know shit.

Tokyo. We are on our way.


"HOLY SHIT ANDRE COME HERE!" I yelled after my brother, "What's wrong?'' He was running down the stairs. "Look! Tom came here! That bastard." I scoffed.
"Tom kaulitz Germanys mafia leader came in Tokyo!

Said he's looking for Miru Ali, his gf?"

"What the fuck!" He yelled. "I know!"
"Shit let's go. We're already 19 minutes late for the race." I nodded and we left.

"TOM KAULITZ VS......MIRU ALI!" I looked at the blonde girl with wide eyes. I'm gonna beat that loser.

I got into my car and started the engine. I looked to my right and there he was. Smirking and staring at me. I showed him my middle finger and waited


I pressed my foot on the gas pedal and drove, 145mp/h. 200m/ph. 345mp/h
"Love slow down!" I heard Laura's panicked voice.
"Dont worry babe. Just let me hit
600mp/h and I promise I'll slow down." She nodded and I hit 700mp/h.
At 16. Before I got into gangs I built my car. Mine and Andre, I mean our other cars. The speed max is 900.
I looked into the mirror and tom was far away in my back. I smirked, I knew I could win against this bitch. I slowed down to 210mp/h then Tom fucking went in front of me. He won! Fucking bastard.

I got out of me car and went to him.
"I let you win!" I yelled in his face. "Sure babe. Meet me at ******* 4am. You and your brother." I nodded and we left. Good thing Laura and Rosie were trained and knew how to fight and how to use a gun.
"Fuckin' hell it's 3;56am! Let's go!" I yelled at Andre "IM HERE!" He jumped on my back "piggy ride please!' I laughed and I did a piggy ride till the car we were going into. "Let's go."


"No fuckin way! Mia's alive?" Bill whispered in my ear. "Yes ! She didn't died. I took her to the hospital and she didn't knew." I giggled
Then I heard her car. She's here
"What do you want tom!" I heard Andre.
"Oh oh! You see this?" I asked them.
"See what?" She asked confused. Then the light went on mia. I looked at her. She was next to me. She had a mini skirt on, a top that was like a bra. Boot heels that were up to her kness. She was Asian. A beautiful Asian girl. Her hair was down and had little braids in it. She's actually beautiful.
"Mia?" Andre said "Well hello. Brother in law." We both started laughing.
"Where is your gf? Laur." She asked alexandra. "None of your business!" I scoffed "Laur. No need to hide anymore dear." Mia called out. Then she came
"I brought this bitch too" Laura spat as she threw Rosie on the floor
"Fuckin hell! Laura was this your and Tom's plan?" I nodded. I got my gun from my pocket and put it to alexandras heart. "This is where I wanted to be sweetheart." I winked at her "you were there the hole time Tom." She mumbled, what? What?... "Yeah sure." I scoffed
"Tom. Please look at my waist." I pulled her skirt and shirt up.
"TK + MA" our names? Tom kaulitz+ Miruna Alexandra. "There's another one on my back." She smiled and I turned her around. "TOM KAULITZ'S SOULMATE." Holy shit? Another one on my wrist. I looked at her wrist
"26.6.2009 - 8.8.2009."
(IDK IF I MENTIONED ALEXANDRA'S BDAY BUT HER BIRTHDAY IS MY BDAY YAYYY) the date we got together. And the one I broke up with her. Fuckin hell!
"I love you tom kaulitz." She whispered
*BANG!* ....

A/n: cliffhanger shit hahahhahahaha fuck off

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