happy birthday idiots!

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I smiled as tom and Bill blew the candles. They're 21 today. "Happy birthday idiots!" We all said and they hugged us. We did a group hug. I don't want to leave these idiots even if I hated them. I mean I did now i love them so much. "Let's go to a club now motherfuckers!" I said and I got up. They nodded and we left. I took my car and me and the girls got in. The boys in Tom's car. I drove faster than tom and got to the club just in 5 minutes.

I ordered some shots for me and the others. A few minutes later I got drunk as hell, i looked around me and saw bill making out with Rachel, normal. The others were making out too but tom wasn't here. I looked around and there he was! He was... with some blondie?... oh. They were dancing. Being touchy. Whispering in eachothers ear. Kissing... I sighed and drank some more. I turned to some rando brunette and started kissing her. I took her to our table since everyone was kissing there. We were making out aggressively, then I felt bad. Angry? Why? I pushed the girl off of me and she looked at with lust in her eyes. I sighed. "You can leave." I said as I went after tom. He was now making out with the blondie. "Hello darling." I said with a smirk and he turned to look at me.


I was making out with some blondie then I heard alex. Shit!! "Hey darling." She said as I pulled away and I panicked. "Oh shit love this isn't what it looks like!" I said trying to make her forgive me, she sighed "it's okay. I made out with some chick too earlier. Let's go babe." She said as she took my hand. At least she forgave me? We went home at 4am. Me and alex were shit faced. As soon as we got to our room we started making out.

We were soon naked and I looked at her. She looked desperate. I chuckled and put myself in side of her. She started moaning as I thrusted into her harder and harder.


I sat down next to Alex and looked at her. I smiled. "Good night alex." I said and she smiled back "Good night tom. I love you." "I love you too.."

A/N: yo happy bday kaulitz twins!!

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