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I was smoking with tom when Andre came in. "Hey, we've voted and uh. Me and the boys are getting new pets." I dropped my cig. What??... I laughed "Nice joke Andre. Now please bring me the watermelon hell from the fridge." He shook his head. "I'm serious." He said as he randomly pulled a watermelon hell from his ass. "Mhm." I said as I drank from my energy drink. "I don't want my sister to die tom.." Andre said as tom had his cold face.. "Shut up Andre. You're a part of this gang now." Tom said, I looked at Andre and he had tears in his eyes. I sighed. I got up took the gun and shoot myself.


I watched as my sister took her gun and shoot herself. I fell to the ground next to her crying as tom just laughed. I tought he loved her? Then I heard 5 bangs. Shit! I ran inside and there they were. All dead. I looked at georg,bill and gustav. They've killed my girl too...


I laughed after Alex killed herself. I was sad. But this is for us. For our reputation so we wouldn't look weak. I sighed as I went in. I smiled at the guys and I went to take a shower. I went into my room and turned to alexandras clothes. I have to burn those or just leave them here for the next bitch. I got dressed and went downstairs. The boys were ready tho Andre looked disappointed. He was talking on the phone. I knew he's sad about his sister's death but. They're both mentally unstable and mentally crazy. "Yo, come on." I said as Andre put his phone in his pocket and came after me. He wasn't in my gang but he's still gonna live here. We are good friends.


we were at the club after our race. As always I won. Andre didn't beated me because he didn't wanted to ruin my reputation. I looked around and spotted a redhead girl. I smiled and walked up to her. "Hey beautiful" I said with my famous smirk and she blushed. "Hey tom.. I'm Katy!" Ahh Katy... I'm gonna destroy your life my love. I talked with her for a bit and the others found themselves some girls. Even Andre he was drinking his sadness away. We went home at 4:45am. I walked with Katy behind me. As soon as I got home I started kissing her......



I was sitting on the living room couch crying and drinking while looking at the photos of me and her. Mom didn't knew about her death. I lied to her that she was okay and left shopping with one of her old friends and that she broke her phone and couldn't talk with her. I sighed and I started crying again. I looked at the photo of us hugging while our dad was standing behind us with a beer in his hand. I smiled at the memory, I had the perfect family. I sighed and turned my head to the outside. I remember that alexandras body is still there. I went outside and she wasn't there... I saw a note and I picked it up.

"This is Leah. Please don't come looking after alexandra's body. I got it. Andre if you see this please run away. You're not safe with them. I talked with Alin. He's a part of your gang and you're the leader now. He's waiting for you at ******* gas station. Be quick! - xoxo Leah" I smiled when I saw the kiss mark on the note. I sighed and put the note in my jeans. I got my keys out and I looked around to see if anyone is here. I heard a lot of moans. Everyone is fuckiny tonight! Ahh!!! Love is in tha airrrr.

I took alexandras lambo and drove to the gas station.

"Hey alin!" I said as I hugged him.
"Hey bro, sorry for your sister. You know I've always had a crush on her" He said with a sigh. Not again this guy is always after my sister. I punched him on the arm and we drove to california. I put california love on the radio. California here we come.


I woke up somewhere, it looked peaceful. Holy shit I'm in heaven!  .. there she was...
"Riley??." I asked with a crack in my voice. She nodded then the girls came to my side "Why is everyone dead!'' I yelled with anger in my voice. But I was with them now. I can protect them right?
"Hey." Lennie said as she hugged me.
"Hey lenn.." I said and the other girls greeted me too. "I'm sorry." Rachel said as she had tears in her eyes, I was confused "what do you mean?" Lennie sighed "This isn't your time A. I'm sorry. Bye we love you." Lori said then everything faded. I woke up in my bed. There wad a note on my bed.
"Dye your hair. Make Tom's life hell. I love you. Andre is in california he shouldn't know about you being alive. He took your car. Your duplicate is in the back. I love you. -Xoxo Leah.'' I smiled, even if we fighted over money a few weeks ago. She still helped right? I looked at the dye. Brown hair with blond highlights, nice! With blue contacts. I sighed . I did what she told me to and I took some black shorts with a black t-shirt and a short black leather jacket. When I was done I took some black converse my keys new phone and I remembered I couldn't call mom. I sighed and I remembered there was a race tonight, Tom's going. Hell yeah! I'm gonna be there. I changed my license plate thing from my car. It was "B 26 LCY" Lucy was my new name. I fixed my make up and I drove fast.  Oh how much I love my purple lambo. I miss my black one tho but yeah, I drove to the race and there he was. I went in line with my car and I lit up a cigarette and started smoking. I saw a shadow behind me. I turned around and saw bill with a cold face expression. I looked at him and he somehow changed. He had black and white dreads now. "Hi." He said, no emotion in his voice. "Uh hi!" I said putting a Russian accent. Thank god I learnt Russian from Riley. He smiled.
"So, you're Russian? I'm German." I smiled and nodded. Gosh how much I wanna kick his balls. "What's your name? I'm Bill. By the way nice car beautiful" he said with a wink. "Thank you, Lucy." I said and then Tom came behind him. "Come on brother." He said. He sounded like a robot. He didn't look sad or sum, I guess he hates me. So? I hate him too. Anyways I'm here to kill him right?..

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