I hate you tom!

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It has been a few days since Alexandra came home from the hospital, she dyed her hair back to how it was. She stayed all day with lennie Lori and Rachel, it made me mad knowing she wanted nothing to do with me. She even has a room that's far away from me it's actually downstairs.

As I was thinking about her words, she barged into my room

I looked at her with a confused face then bursted out laughing when I heard he kissed georg. I realised she was somehow drunk because she slurred on her words
"Are you drunk?" I raised a brow
"Yes baaaeee" She said and came over to me

"Tommm you know how much I missed your touchh" She whined at put my hand on her titts, I blushed at her words
"Awhh, Thomas the train is blushinngggg" I laughed when she called me Thomas the train

"Okkkayyy big dick follow me" She winked at me, what was going on with her?

TW: smut baes my bad but I'm bored n I'm not embarrassed

She leaded me to the bathroom

She started kissing me then pulled away
"Do you know Les by childish gambino?" She giggled and I nodded

"Kissing in the bathroom girl!" She laughed
"Okay shut up and kiss me" I said out of breath
"You're hard for me tom." She said putting her hand on my hard dick.
"Shut up and kiss me!" I said annoyed
She smirked and winked
"I hate you tom." She said and smashed her lips against mine. I kissed back as she kissed me aggressively. What has gotten into her?
She took my hand and we went into her rom. She locked the door and undressed quickly
"Shit has your boobs gotten bigger?" I asked putting my hands on her boobs
"You're an idiot tom." She said and I asked why
"Im sober enough to know what I'm doing. This means you're forgiven. It means you're my boyfriend tom." I smiled hard. I've barely smiled as I always smirked.
She got on top of me and started to kiss my neck, i whimpered when she sucked on my soft spot..
"Alexandra ugh" I moaned her name and she sucked harder.
She took off my pants and boxers.
"Wait here." She said and got off me. She took a condom and a rope.
"What are you doing with the rope?.." I asked confused
"Tonight you're not allowed to touch me. " She winked at me and I smirked. I loved this part of her I wish she'll show it more.
She tied my wrists to the bed and got on top of me, she rided me slowly teasing me.
"Fuck off alexandra! Just do it already!" She looked at me and smiled
"Do what?" She asked innocently
"Fuck me!" I said as she rided me a little bit fast.
"Beg." I rolled my eyes in pleasure
"Please alexandra! I'm begging you fuck the shut out of me!" She smiled and started going faster.
I moaned loudly. I think the others were already at our door listening because I heard giggling.
"Ugh! F-fuck!" I groaned and she went faster and faster
I groaned and moaned. Bit she didint she just whimpered. I started overthinking.
Was I not giving her pleasure?
After a while I escaped the rope and put my hands on her hips and started to do it faster for her. "Fuck tom! Slow down! I can't this is to much pleasure and I can't hold my moans anymore!" She said as she moaned my name loudly.

After 2 hours of hardcore sex.

She looked at me and smiled.
I got up and got dressed and left, she looked at me with a sad face as I left.
When I left I heard her sniff.
I fucked up.
After I took a shower I put on some pjs and I snuck into her bedroom.
She was asleep, I took her in my arms. I put her on my bed and I cuddled with her. I love this girl.


Me and Tom we're back together. I forgave him because I just couldn't live without him.

We got into a small argument over me spilling water on him because he didint woke up.

One night he went to a race and I didint came because I was asleep on the couch.
I heard moans and claps from upstairs. I shrugged and went to Tom's room. The closer I got to his room the closer the moans got, weird. I opened the door to see a tom getting raided by a girl. He seemed to enjoy her more.
"What's up fuckers?" I said not looking weak. Tom gave me a worried face and pushed her off of him and apologised.
"I'm sorry alexandra I didint meant to!" He cried. Fuck off.
"No Tom its alright . I see you enjoyed her more. Mind If I borrow her tonight I winked at the girl and she giggled nodding. He suddenly looked mad, i took the girls hand and led her to my room.
I put 2 fingers in her and she started moaning loudly.
"Fuckk!!! You're better than tom!!" She moaned my name loudly. I smirked knowing that tom was at the door listening to her moans of pleasure.
I put 3 fingers in and she started screaming from pleasure
"Fuck alexandra! I'm gonna cum!" She said
"It's okay babe. Do it love" I winked at her and put my gold hand in her and began going with a speed. She screamed one more time before cumming.
I smirked and she licked herself from my hands. I really was into this girl.
I took her hand and I gave her some clothes of mine. When I opened the door I saw an angry tom there looking at us as her legs shaked trying to walk.
I put my arm around her waist and kissed her.
"Someone had fun" Bill winked at me and I just nodded and winked back.
"alexandra. Are we something?" Tom asked me. I turned to look at him
"Yes. We are friends. We were never in a relationship tom. I used you for pleasure that night." I smirked at him and he looked sad. The others looked surprised at my words and Bill gave me a thumps up.
"And what are we alexandra?" Mia asked me. (MIA IS THE GIRLS NAME YALL)
"You're my girlfriend." She giggled and whispered things in my ear and I nodded.
I could see tom he was about to cry. It's my turn to hurt you bitch.

"BABEE" mia yelled after me while she chased me.
"YEEEAAA?" I asked slowing down out of breath.
"Stop please my legs hurt." She sighed and I giggled taking her hand in mine and we went inside.
"Pleasee cook me my favorite meal!!" She begged me and I smiled and said yes
Tom entered the kitchen with a red headed girl. She was ugly but damn she got em boobs. I winked at her and she giggled and waved at me. I wasn't planning on cheating on Mia or something. I actually loved her.
I made Mia her favorite and she ate it all.
We heard moans and claps and we rolled our eyes. We decided to go to the pool.
She started walking to me and kissed me in the water. It turned into a make-out, then someone coughed to get our attention. It was Tom and the red headed. She waved at me and I rolled my eyes at her and I continued to make out with Mia. I moved my hand to her thrombin pussy and started fingering her.  She moaned into my mouth and put her hand on my boobs.
"Fuck!" She moaned and I smirked knowing where this is going to. I took her hand and leaded her to our bedroom. I saw Tom looking at us and he had a tear in his eye.
I was satisfied in making him hurt.
After an hour of playing in the bedroom. We got dressed and decided to go to my mother in laws house. She knew about our relationship and she was supportive.
We got there and I got a called from bill
"What's up hoe?" I asked, we had stupid names for eachother.
"Bitch where are you !" Iaughed at his worrines .
"Mias mother. We'll be back by 8:30pm kay? Bye whore." I said and he hung up.


"She's at mia's mum." I told tom. She hurt my brother but I allowed her to do it. He deserved it. After everything he has done to her? He does deserve it.
"She took my chick bill!" Tom said with tears in his eyes.
"Tom please leave their relationship alone. They are happy together! Have you seen how happy alexandra is around mia and how happy mia is around her!" I said angry. He's stupid.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault! I shouldn't of brought her here! I can't belive she said she does it better than me!" Tom said and he began sobbing.
"I know tom. The whole house heard it!" I said and left. I heard him sniffle and sob. Idiot.

A/N: HELLO!! IM MAKING ALEXANDRAS LIKE INYO GIRLS BECAUSE IM INTO GIRLS ^^!!... anyways my hoes r waiting for me lmao bye

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