Bang !

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"Get in the car." Tom screamed at me. 4:14 am. What was happening? I did as he said and got into the car, he started the engine and drove away. After 20 minutes we were there. The middle of nowhere, then it hit me. He's gonna shot me. Shit..
We got out of the car and I just stood there. Doing nothing.
"I wish you didint lied to me alexandra. Maybe if you didint lied you would've of been in my arms sleeping." He said with a sigh
"I wish you didint raped me." He laughed. And I closed my eyes ready for him to do it.
"Bye slut." He said.
"I can't belive I loved you."

I stood there. Watching as tom shoot her in the chest, he didint knew I was there. I planned on saving her. I knew tom still loved her. But he couldn't accept the fact that she lied to him, he made her suffer, after tom left I quickly got out of the car and went next to her. Dumbass didint shoot her heart, Rachel came to help so we can get her to the hospital.

***a month later***

*beep beep*
I tried opening my eyes. But all I saw was light. I opened them and saw that I was in the hospital? What was I doing here? I looked around and saw bill next to me. Awh. He saved me again...
(He's the angel in this book <3)
"Good morning sleeping beauty" bill opened his eyes and smiled.
"Morning." He said
"Whyd you do it." I asked with a serious face
"Do what?" He asked.
"Save me."
"Because I didint wanted you dead. Tom still loves you, yk?" He said with a sad smile.
"Well I don't love him anymore. He's a fucking monster." I rolled my eyes.
"I know, he knows you're in hospital, he was mad as fuck when he found out I helped you!" Tom almost killed me. I remembered again.
"He visited you 5 times." I rolled my eyes
"He's coming in like 5 minute."
Then he got up and left.
I pretended to be asleep when tom came.
"Oh my alexandra. I hope you can forgive me. I love you" I felt a tear on my cheek
"If you loved me. You wouldn't kill me." I said opening my eyes.
He hugged me tight.
"I'm not falling in your trap again Tom. You rapped me and almost killed me!" I said angry. This man whore is getting on my nerves.
"You can forget."
"No Tom. I can't forgive you again."
He sighed and left.
My life is miserable.

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