I forgive but i dont forget.

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I woke up to my phone ringing.
I got up and saw that Bill's calling

"Hey bill" I yawn
"Hey sorry if I woke you up, uhm Tom really wants you as Eselin, he said that Eselin reminds him of you and he wants you." He wants me now?

"Uhm okay so pick me up I'm getting the suitcase ready." I sighed and he hung up, I went to the girls and told them the news
"Bill said that you guys should pack and come too." They smiled and nodded , we all packed and Bill came, we got into the car and he started driving
"Okay so I'm Eselin, Lennie you are Crystal, Lori you're Charlote and Rachel um... idk"

"Amelia" Bill said, we got there and when we entered I saw Tom's face and I had a bad feeling....
"Eselin. You're here" He got up and walked to me, hugged me by my waist and started kissing me. Kys man whore 🤗.
He took my hand in his and we went into his bedroom. The bedroom I missed.
He pushed me into the wall and started kissing me aggressively, I tried pushing him away but he slapped me.
"Why did you do that??." I asked with tears in my eyes
"You remind me of someone I hate." He scoffed and left the room. Bipolar cunt I tought you missed me.
I calmed myself down and went downstairs.
"Hey." I said looking down
"Hey!" Rachel came to me happily and hugged me, she knew when I was sad and she'd always hug me. I felt comfort whenever she hugged me.
"omg hug us too Amelia!" Lennie got up with Lori behind her and hugged us, we all sat in comfortable silence as we hugged, the others looked at us but Tom's face was... disgusted?...
"Okay enough hugging!" I laughed and pulled away
"No!" Lori said and hugged me tight.
"Bitch you're crushing me!" I started laughing
"Oh my gosh shut up you're the fat cow here" She laughed
"Come on 45kgs isn't that much cunt!"I finally pushed her off of me.
"Hey Eselin, you know how to cook right?" Bill asked
"Yeah I do!" I smiled and we went into the kitchen
"Okay, make Tom's favorite I wanna see his reaction." Bill said giggling
"Okay, but he pinned me against the wall and kissed me aggressively and when I tried pushing him away he slapped me and said I remind him of someone he hates! What a man whore" I scoffed rolling my eyes, he laughed
"Okay so only me and the Gs know. They are happy their girls are back" He smiled.
"Okay I'm done!" I smiled as I left the kitchen
"Here eat" He looked at the plate.
He had tears in his eyes while eating
"Are you okay tom?" Bill asked.
"Yeah, I am.." He said with a crack.
"It just reminds me of the way alexandra made them" He smiled at the tought of me. Bill signaled me to say something.
"Who's alexandra?" I asked
"Oh she was Tom's girlfriend."
"Why isn't she still here?" I asked
"Because she lost the child and tom blamed it on himself and beated her up and shot her dead." Bill said.
"She must've of been a bitch." I laughed then Tom quickly got up and walked to me and punched me
"What did you say slut?" He yelled in my face
"N-nothing." I replied trying not to cry.
I got up and left.

***next day***

Tom was sleeping peacefully. I got out of bed and knocked on bill's door, he opened it and asked me what's wrong
"Kitchen, talk now." I said before leaving
We got into the kitchen and he asked me what I wanted to talk about.
"I need to tell tom the truth. He looked so sad eating my sandwiches!" I said
"Tell me what." Tom came in looking angry. I froze when I heard his voice.
"Tell me what Bill? Come on go on." Tom said looking like he's about to snap.
"Tom, remember when you said that you wanted Eselin because she reminded you of Alexandra?" Bill said.
"No." He lied. Bastard.
"Well Alexandra's alive tom, she didint died. She's here" Bill said smiling
"Pff, Nice joke Bill. She's dead I shoot her brains out!" He laughed. But it wasn't his laugh. It was a sad laugh
"Tom, I'm here." I smiled and he took me in his arms apologising.
"It's okay tom, it's okay." I said while he was crying in my arms.


when Bill said she isn't dead. I came up with the best ideea ever. I needed to trick her into having sex with me and then kill her. Bitch tought she could get away with lying to me? Well your wrong sweetheart.

"I'm sorry alexandra!" I cried fake tears. I was too good at this.
"It's okay shh" She said smiling. This bitch doesn't know what's gonna come.
"Let's go to bed come on" She said. It was the perfect time to wait for her to be asleep and rape her. Wasn't I a genius?

A/N yall got mad at me for them loving eachother so here yall go🙏....

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