Stay with me.

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"I missed you! don't leave again please, I'm sorry it was a mistake and I won't do it again I promise" I smiled at his apology. Its time to forgive him
"It's okay Tom, I forgive you, I understand you were just drunk." I hugged him tightly and went into his room and got in bed with him.

"I missed your cooking." Awh
"Let's make you something to eat, come on get up" I smiled at him and we went into the kitchen.
I made Tom some scrambled eggs and toast and some cola
"Here! Eat it all." He ate everything
"Let's do something just the 2 of us come on!"
"we should go swimming!" Said Tom
"hmm.. Okay!" I changed into the swimsuit and waited for tom.
[he teleports]

***time skip***

"I'm gonna go out and take a shower you coming?" I asked Tom , he started smirking
"Alright we are showering Let's go!" Tom said exited and took my hand.
"Tom I'm not gonna shower with you!" I said laughing
"Yes you are!" He said pulling me into the bathroom and locking the door
"Okay fine! But you're washing my back and I'll wash yours okay?"
"Okay!" We got into the shower and tom started washing my back
"Okay my turn now move" i started washing Tom's back till we heard the door
"Hey is anyone here?" I heard bill said
I started laughing and tom just glared at me and started kissing me, which turned into a make out

***time skip, yall know what happend but I won't write because I'm embarrassed ☹️***

"woah.." I smile
"happy?" I asked Tom before laughing
"Heck yeah, okay we have been in here for like an hour so let's get out before the others say something..."
"aight" we got out of the shower and got dressed and went downstairs
"looks like yall had hard-core sex" said Lori while laughing
"Oh my god shut up btich" I slapped Lori
"Ow! You cunt!" I ran laughing
I hid behind Tom and Lori didint came after me this time.
"You're lucky Tom's here" said Lori rolling her eyes
"Be careful tom I might steal her"
"Haha so unfunny Rachel" Tom rolled his eyes
"Okay I'm leaving bye"
"where are you going?" Bro doesn't give me a break
"Bathroom. Wanna come?" I gave tom a wink and he started smirking
"Okay, good night tom." I hugged tom
"Good night love".....
I woke up a little thirsty and when I looked at the clock It was 6:30.
I tried getting up but something pulled me down
"don't leave, Stay with me."

"I'm thirsty."
"I'm coming with u come on" I smiled at him as he tried to get up, we weren't even out when he hit his head on the door, I bursted out laughing
"Here, now come on" I said as i held his hand.
After drinking some water I gave tom some too and we went to sleep.

"Good night tom."
"Good night darling."
"I love u tom."
"I love you too."

A/N: HELLO!! I know this is short sorry but I don't have any ideas mbad
anyways pls say hi to my best friend here
I love her sm so yh

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