The race.

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When i woke up it was already 1pm. I was used to sleeping this late, I've always slept late back home. I slowly remembered that I need to go to that race tonight. I groaned in annoyance, I went and grabbed some milk and cereal, I loved nesquik. Its the best after finishing 2 bowls it was already 2pm. I hopped into the shower and when I went out it was 3pm already I changed then walked into the kitchen so I could something to eat, after some time I made some eggs and a salad after eating it was 3:30 pm. I went to do laundry, make my bed, washing the dishes,clean the floor, put my clothes from the suitcase to the wardrobe. After finishing everything it was 6:30pm. I went to look for something to wear, I got a short black dress that was covering my ass, it was hugging my curves and I looked good in it, I straightened my hair and it was 7pm already I put on my black converse on And left

When I got there it was 8:15, 15 minutes early I looked around and tom and Bill weren't there I sighed then waited but someone put their hands around my waist I turned around and saw Tom he was smirking oh god how much I want to sew that smirk permanently on his face, it was annoying the shit out of me.
"You came sweetheart." I scoffed knowing that it will annoy him.
"Like I wanted to." I rolled my eyes at him then he started to have a grip on my waist and pull me into him.
"What did I told you last night sweet checks?" He whispered in my ear.
"I'm Tom kaulitz a mafia leader you should respect me blah blah blah" i mocked him. He didint liked it because he started to grip on my waist harder then I felt something on my ass. HE WAS GRINDING ON TO ME? I turned around and yelled at him "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked
"Did I do something wrong sweetie?"
"yes you did! You are grinding on to me!"

"What? Don't you like it?" And turned me around and now he was humping me. "Stop!" I yelled. Gosh I don't want this cunt to steal my innocence..
"Never" He whispered in my eat and stopped humping and grinding faster and faster then he stopped and whispered in my ear
"Did you like it? If not I can do something better tonight" I could tell he was smirking I opened my mouth to say something but a girl came running towards us, she had a very short crop top and a skirt and heels, what a slut.
"Tommy!! Are you gonna take me on a ride?" She asked then gasped when he saw that he was holding me by my waist.
"Tommy!! Who is she?? Are you cheating on me!!!" She started crying then he yelled at her
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" She looked at him in the eye
"But Tommy! You're mine!!"
people were staring at us I was shocked by what he said.  Pet? Slave? Sex toy? What the fuck... she left then and he was all of a sudden calm and whispered again in my ear. Annoying cunt.
"Why don't I take you on a ride huh?"
"No thank you. I've been in a lot of rides back home. I don't like them"  then he caught me off guard and took me in his arms and walked over to his car
"Let me go you cunt!" I kicked and screamed
"No one's gonna do anything sweetheart." And put me in the passenger seat and made his way to the driver seat, and I quickly buckled my seat. "Really? You are buckling your seat?" He laughed
"Yeah. I don't trust you enough." I scoffed
Then here it was. Bill's car I looked at him through the window and gave him a 'help me' look, he gave me the 'can't sorry' one. Ugh. Then 2 other cars made their way in line. Then some girl yelled
She didint even finished her sentence because Tom already went flying there. Then he placed his hand on my thigh. And started to go up, I was scared what was he gonna do to me?
Then started to rub on my intimate part, there's nothing I could do I was scared. Before thinking twice I put his hand away. I didunt liked this kind of stuff. It was disgusting.
"What? Don't you like it?" He asked
"No. You're disgusting."
"Shut up." He said. Ugh how much I wanna get out of this car (nea gigel drives better) then he won the race. And he got out of the car so did I, I stood there when that slutty girl came to Tom and started to pull onto his clothes and kiss him. He slapped her so hard she fell to the ground.
"DONT PULL ONTO MY CLOTHES AND DONT KISS ME YOU BITCH!" He said. I wasn't surprised she did deserved that slap, then she looked at me and said
"What is that bitch doing there!"
"NONE OF YOUR BUSSINES! NOW SHUT UP BEFORE I'LL KILL YOU." What the fuck this man is insane?
Then I walked away slowly I wanted to go home. Then he asked me
"Where are you going princess?" He asked
"Somewhere where I can't see your ugly face." I replied and started to walk faster and I could hear his footsteps too. I started to run and so was he then he grabbed me and said "you can't go anywhere. People saw you with me last night and told you onto the police. They are looking for you so you have no choice but to come to mine." He winked ugh are you fucking kidding me?

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