fell inlove again....

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I felt bad for using bill, yet I felt something for him. I looked at bill who was peacefully smoking on the balcony. I walked over to him and he looked so beautiful. His dreads were tied up and some were on his face. "Bill." He looked at me and smiled before kissing me. "Bill, who's alexandra?" I asked him, luckily we had phtoso of us and our names carved in the walls. He sighed "She was Tom's girlfriend and pet. She was a mafia leader too, She killed herself when she found out about getting new pets. I miss her. I want her back." He said as he wiped a tear. I smiled i cleared my throat and sighed. "Bill promise not to hate me?." I asked worried he nodded. "I- it's me bill. Alexandra, I'm back. I'm okay. Leah saved me." He had tears in his eyes then hugged me. "You came for Tom didn't you.." I smiled. "No you idiot. I came for you!" Then he smiled again. "I think I like you alex." I smiled "I think I like you too bill." I kissed him and he kissed me back. "Tom shouldn't know for real this time." He whispered while kissing my neck. "Yeah, I'm gonna keep the act. Tomrrow me you california, Andre. Need him." I said and he nodded. I changed back into what I wore yesterday and went downstairs with bill.
"Veronica" bill said in a singing voice. I knew what it meant. "You want to do it love?" He asked me and I nodded. He gave me his gun and I shoot her. "Ew, her brain is clean. I don't think she has any brain cells." I said with a sigh. And he nodded, "let me call Kelly." Bill nodded as I took my phone out. I dialed her number and waited her to respond
"Hey darling, when are you coming home? I made your favourite!" She sounded exited. "Oh Kelly. My beautiful Kelly." I said "I'm sorry my love. I'm letting you go. You're free darling." I heard her sigh. "Lucy. Can I stay in the apartment?" I smiled "Yes. You can K. I'll pay its okay." She sighed of relief. "Okay K. My beautiful Kelly... bye. Te iubesc." I whispered the ily part. "Bye. Si eu te iubesc." And with that I hung up. Bill looked at me and smiled. I hugged him.
And he introduced me to the others.

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