stranger danger

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"Hey babe, we we're invited to this race." I told ale as I scrolled down my phone "and it has a party too." I looked up at her "hm... okay sure, separated cars or?" I didn't really wanted people to know that I wad dating her, somehow she had the ladies woman tittle in Moldova. Kinda embarrassed because everyone knew she was into girls. "Separated." She nodded and we started to get ready.
"Guys let's go." She mumbled and we left. I was in front of everyone but Alex speed infront , me being behind her. "Fuck!" I yelled. We arrived there, before the race some girl came over to alexandra. The fuck?
"babee, you promised a ride and pleasure tonight.." was she cheating? Wait holy shit that's her ex!
"Fuck off. We've hooked up 4 times!" 4?
"Babee!!" She looked at me. I sent her a text
: Maybe we shouldn't act like a couple in public.
Ale<3: okay... sure..
: don't be surprised when a whore comes up to me.
Ale<3: man-whore.

End of chat.

I turned to alexandra and she had her hand on the girls waist and the girl was kissing her. Lately I've been getting bored of her. She hasn't gave me sex since that one night. Boring.
Some chick came up to me.
"Heyyy tommm" She giggled. I smirked
"Hey beautiful, want a ride?" She smiled at me, dang wasn't she pretty?
"sure." She blushed, I put my hand around her waist and I whispered things in her ear. She started giggling then I got a text
Ale<3: the fuck! What are you whispering there!
: shut the fuck up alexandra! It's not like we are dating.
Ale<3: are you serious Tom?.
: Shut up slut.

you blocked this contact.


Alex's pov:

I turned my head to look at tom. Has he broken up with me? Really? Well fuck off mister. You'll see how that chick of yours will be mine with just a wink and a wave.

The race started and I won
I was 1st. Andre 2nd and tom 3rd
He looked angry then he came at us
"Fuck off! Go back from where you came Moldovan slut!" I looked him in the eye. "awhhh Tommy boy lost to a girl" I said with a sad smile.
"FUCK OFF!" He snapped and tool out his pocket knife and cut my wrist.
"Bad choice." I smirked and licked the blood off my wrist, "You're fucking crazy!" Tom yelled at me. "Says the one who cheated" I yelled in his face as my guards pinned him to the groupnd. I put my foot on his cock and pressed it. He groaned in pain "I'll make sure you won't make a kid Tom Kaulitz." I said and he looked at me with a sad face
"Stop it!" He groaned in pain.
"Goddamn it I said stop Miru Ali!" I looked at some police men who suddenly started to yell at me and I got in my lambo and took Andre with me
"FUCK YOU TOM KAULITZ!" I yelled and hit my head on the steering wheel. 

"Fuck Andre I have like 1 milion on me right now! We're going back to Moldova!" He looked exited , he rolled down his window and yelled "FUCK YOU TOM KAULITZ, WERE NEVER GONNA SEE U AGAIN!!" We started laughing. Rosie was in the backseat and the girl from earlier was next to her.
"So what's your name beautiful?" I winked at her and she giggled
"I'm Laura." I smiled and she smiled back. "Well hello Laura. I'm Alexandra, call me Alex." I winked at her and she giggled. "So you're gonna stay with us awhile in Moldova." I added and she nodded "will I have clothes?" I smiled "Yes you will, shopping spree." She nodded.


"Hey ma." I smiled as I hugged mom (imagine they're talkin Romanian Moldova blah blah idk I'm from Romania blah I'm too lazy to translate and I'm a babysitter rn.) "Hey miruna."
"Okay Laur, will you stay with us or I'll rent you an apartment?'' I hope she wants to stay with me..
"Can...I stay with you?" I smiled "of course!" I hugged her "Okay let's go!"

             unknown number

?: hello is this Alexandra Miruna ******?
: Hello, yes this is she..
?: I tought I lost you forever.
: uhm who's this?
?: It's me babe. The one and only Tom kaulitz. ;)
: fuck off tom.
T: Come on, ik u miss me


I scoffed. Then I heard a knock, I got up and opened the door.
"Missed me love?" ......

I hate you kaulitz.Where stories live. Discover now