The house

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Tom grabbed me and put me into his car so I wouldn't run away. Then the girl came and sat in the back. I could feel her eyes burning into my skin. Then he started driving and an hour later we got to a big house. He got out so did that girl I got out to and he grabbed my hand I didint know why but he did. Then 3 cars pulled up there too. And Bill and 2 other guys I didint knew came out of their cars. Then Tom said "the one with the glasses is gustav. And the other one is georg and their pets." Humans aren't pets whore. "Okay. Where do I sleep?"
"In bed. With me." He smiled then the same girl came running "Tommy!! Where am I gonna sleep then!"
"On the floor. I don't care." He said with a cold expression. Annoying man whore.

We got in and it was very beautiful inside than the outside. Then he told me to sit on the couch , gustav and georg joined me and asked me questions
"How old are you?" Gustav asked.
"19." I said
"Well damn. Toms 20"
"Ew I hate him." I scoffed
Then georg asked what's my name
"My names Alexandra. But everyone calls me Alex!" I smiled.
"Where are you from Alex?" Gustav asked
"Moldova!" I replied. Gosh I missed Moldova so much.
"Nice! I heard people drink a lot there" georg chuckled
"Yeah. People are drinking mostly vodka there. And music is blasting evey day! It's annoying!" I laughed, then I checked my phone and saw that I got a text from my best friend.
I talked with her a little and then said goodbye. Tom came and sat down and turned on the tv. He chosed the shitiest movie ever. An hour later he took my hand and took me to his bedroom.
"What am I gonna wear? I can't sleep like this." I said
"In your underwear and bra!" He smiled
"In your dreams." I mumbled
Then he gave me a shirt and some shorts. I went into the bathroom to change. After changing I entered the room and saw Tom with his tounge into that girls throat
"Woah easy there. Be careful not to swallow her." I mumbled
"Do you have a problem?" He asked
"Yes I can't sleep because she moans every second" I replied and went onto the couch and drifted to sleep. I think ot was 2 or 3 am. When I woke up to sounds of groans and moans. Ugh
"Shut the fuck up and sleep." I screamed at them.
The next morning I felt something comfortable hugging me, I hugged back then I heard someone say
"I tought you hated me." He chuckled
Then I woke up fully and realised that it was tom, I jumped out of bed and I fell down. Then Tom started laughing and he got up and helped me to my feet. What a cunt.
"How did I even got in bed last night.." I questioned.
"You aren't that heavy so it was easy getting you from the couch."
"Ew I slept with you disgusting." I said

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