Failed sleepover p2

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"Tom said that he's coming right now!" I was scared as fuck, we we're probably gonna die and ariana probably died!
"Guys I hear footsteps...." I whispered
"Shut the fuck up!" I whispered Lennie

The knocks turned into bangs. Untill we heard someone yell, I was relieved when I realised tom and the others we're back then we heard gun shots.
"I told yall" I whispered
"Oh shut up you we're as scared as we we're!" Said Lori, true I was scared too
''This is the first time I actually trusted tom" I said in a sassy voice
"Alexndra darling open the door it's me tom.." I heard tom say
"Darling?" Asked Rachel while raising a brow, I showed her the middle finger and opened the door
"Hey are you ok?" Tom asked puling me into a hug
"I think.." I was kinda confused how he came that fast
"Where are the other girls?" Asked tom
"Under the bed, they hided with me. Anyways how's ariana? Is she ok?.."
"Erm... how do I tell you this... she's dead." My heart skipped a beat. She can't be dead he's joking right?
"You're joking right? This isn't funny tom.." I said shaking him by the shoulders.
"I'm sorry..." He said
"WHAT SHES DEAD?" I heard Lennie scream. And Rachel started sobbing, Rachel and ariana we're best friends, I felt very bad. But that means...

I get to be Tom's pet now..
***time skip a few days later***

"Hey tom, I have a question.. "
"What did you do with ariana's body?..."
"I diged her a hole and put her there."
"Okay.." things are pretty different I'm Tom's pet now and he isn't kind anymore, luckily he hasn't tried to fuck me though, and now I'm sleeping in his room.
"Hey, come with me."  I nodded, I had to obey him but I wasn't gonna do in to long. I followed into his bedroom
I stepped in and i heard him lock the door he started walking towards me then I realised what was happening
He pulled me by the waist and started kissing me
I quickly tried to push him away but I couldn't.
"Come on Ale... let me do it it'll feel good..." He moaned into kisses
"No.." I whispered I didint wanted him to take my virginity. It was all I didint wanted to lose besides family and friends. After a make out he looked into my eyes and I never realised before how pretty his eyes were...  he then turned around and left quickly unlocking the door. What the fuck?...

I left after him quickly only to see him drinking label 5 there.
"Mind if I join?" I asked
"Since when do you drink?"
"Since when do you ask questions?"
He didint said anything.
"Exactly." I said as I sat down and poured some shots.
In less than 20 minutes I was heavily drunk.
"I think I'm gonna throw up" I said and ran into the bathroom
"Oh shit" Tom came after me and took my hair so I could vomit.

"Hey tom.. I have a question" I said while brushing my teeth, I was still drunk but a little sober.
"Why can't I leave?" I asked
"Because you're mine Alexandra. That's why." He replied I was kinda sad though
"But you don't own me tom.." you could hear the sadness in my voice.
"Yes I fucking do, now stop asking questions or I'll fuck you till you pass out." He was angry.. I didint liked it when he was angry.
A few minutes later we got into bed

"Hey, why won't you let me make you feel pleasure." He said with kinda sadness in his voice. I was drunk and It was annoying how he was asking me everyday since I became his pet. So I decided to give it to him..

A/N: hello!! Thank you guys for reading my story and somehow I made it into top 10 I think? I don't know but thank you guys, this is my first smut😔 I never tought that I'll do this but here I am.... writing smut.

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