new pet

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I ran downstairs. "BILL WHERE ARE YOU?" I screamed
"IM IN THE KITCHEN!!" I ran after him

"What's for breakfast?" I asked


"What?" He asked
I asked.
"Yes! No! But yes." I laughed at him
"You should let me make something later." I said
"Oo!! You know how cook!!"

"Yes obviously!!" I laughed and went to sit on the couch and ate some cereal. Then 4 girls came to sit on the couch.
The girl tom had was quiet. Weird
"Hello! I'm Lori! Gustavs girl!! I love your brunette hair!" She said
"Thank you Lori! I'm alexandra!" I said
"And im Lennie! Georg's girl! The quiet one is toms girl her names Ariana. She doesn't speak much. The only person she speaks to is tom.." Weirdo.
"And im Rachel! Bill's girl! I love your Hazel eyes!!" She said I smiled
"Thank you! You girls are sweet!"
"And whose girl are you?" Asked Lori.

"I dunno. I bumped into tom one night we had a fight he called me to his race I came he told me that the police saw me with him and that I should stay here." I said they had surprised looked on their faces
"You fighted with tom ??"

"Omg! Did he hurt u?"

"Not really." I smiled
"Well I think you'll soon be Tom's."
"Hell no! He's disgusting! He literally humped and grinded on me last night!!" I whisper yelled
"Oh!!" They said.
2 hours later of knowing eachother we got along well and. Lori and lennie has been here for 4 years. Rachel and Ariana for 3. They told me not to try to run away because Tom will beat the shit out of me and he might rape me. Disgusting pig.

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