Got the devil in your eyes.

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"Hey wanna go for a race?" I turned my head to see tom smirking, its 12:56am but why not.
"Okay sure. Bet on 1 milion that I'd win." I smiled at him knowing that my car's faster than his.
"Fine. Miru Ali." I smirked.
"Fine. Tom kaulitz." We took our keys and left. "Where are u hoes goin'?" We turned our heads to see a sleepy Andre rubbing his eyes.
"Oh my gosh an, get some pants on! We're going racing." He rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips.
"Can I come? And I'll put some pants on, wait I'm gonna go get rose too!" He said exited. "Uhm you guys can come but the first race is gonna be me vs Tom on 1 milion. You guys take yalls time getting ready while we race bye." "Okay fine. Bye" He left and we got in our cars. As usual I got my mate black lamborghini. (BRO MY FAVORITE CAR IS A MATTE BLACK LAMBORGHINI!) luckily I have some audis too. Tom got a black audi so we are matching. We drove to the race place. I looked in the car mirror and tom was behind me. I smirked and hit 245mph. After we got there tom came behind me, "I let you go in front of me" I sighed "Yeah sure tom, let's start the race." We got in our cars and we started the race.

I won. I turned to tom smirking. "Ay I let you win this one too" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah sure, race back home? We need to get Andre and rose" He nodded and we left.

"Oh my god you're so bad at this." He rolled his eyes
"Okay fine. You're better than me." I smirked and Andre came with Rosie n we left.
I called them "we should get the others too and go somewhere, me and Tom are gonna share my car, Andre with Rosie, Rachel with bill, gustav with Lori and georg with lennie." they agreed and we went back. We all got into our cars I got into the drivers seat and tom in the passenger seat. I smirked and put my hand on his tight and squeezed it. "Passenger princess." He smiled and rolled his eyes and I started driving. We were going to some lake even if it was 2:34am.

We got there and I already toom my clothes off remaining in bra n underwear.
"LAST ONE IS BROKEN EGG!" I yelled as I jumped in the water.
"Awh man! Toe tripped me and I fell!" We turned our heads to see a laughing tom and Andre on the floor.
"Oh my gosh such children!" Georg said as he went over to Andre to help him up, "georg is literally our mother!' Rachel giggled "since yall are immature!" He rolled his eyes and walked over to us.
"At least I don't have a duck designed pool!" I yelled at him and the others started laughing
"Ducks are cool!" We started arguing about ducks and bunnies.
"At least ducks don't jump!" He said as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"AT LEAST BUNNIES DONT 'quack quack' SHIT AND ARENT SLOW!" I pushed georg into the water and he pulled me with him "Oh my god I hate you so much right now!" I left and went to tom. "I'm bored. I'm gonna go call that bitch Leah. I sighed as I scrolled thru my phone
"Are you cheating?" Tom said as he turned his body to face me. I chuckled and I opened my mouth to talk but Andre responded for me.
"She's talking about our rival from Moldova. Ong she literally stole like 2.45 milion from us, they're planning a meeting on tonight anyways" I nodded and I called her.
"Hello? Leah Smith speaking." I chuckled.
"What's up bitch. Miru Ali speaking. Our place tonight 4:24am. If you're not there till 5 am I'm gonna shoot your lovely child's brains out." I smirked knowing she's scared of me.
"Fuck off. What do you need!"
"The money you stole from me you fatass!" I got angry.
"Okay fine! 2.45 milion is it! I'm on my way." I looked at the time it was 4am. I hung up lit a cigarette and got dressed
"Y'all stay here. Andre get your ass with me" he groaned as he sat up got dressed.
"The guns you dumbass!" I yelled in his face as he passed me my gun and he took his.
We left.


"Bro I can't belive we had a fucking mafia leader in our house!" Tom said while looking at Alex's car while she drove away.
"Yeah bro, typically she's kyra's rival! She even killed him when we tried to kill him for a year!" Bill kicked the sand angrily
"I think she's hot." We all turned our heads to see Rachel.
"Rachel are you into alex?" Gustav asked.
"No. I love my Billy boy!" She jumped into bill's arms and they fell into the water. We all laughed


"Oh my god, I hate these guys." I rolled my eyes "Andre can you please leave my boyfriend and his friends alone? Thank you." My sister looked at me with a fake smile.
"Bitch mind your bussines. Maybe you'll make a accident!" I got annoyed at her. Fuckin bitch.


"Well! Missed me miru?" ong this bitch came prepared.
"Lea! I tought we were coming alone." I rolled my eyes knowing I'm not alone either
"Oh ! Here you go! Here's the money! Fucking woman-whore." I winked at her
"Awhhh, you're mad your maid ran away to me? I remember how she used to moan my name and ask for more. Sadly she's not with us anymore" I sighed and remembered how I tortured her maid because she fell in love with me. Whore.
"Okay Ale! Let's fuckin' end this here you go the money!" I smirked got the money and before I left I yelled at Andre
"SHOOT YOU CUNT!" We both started to shot then quickly got into the car and drove away.

A/N: I dunno anymore

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