new pet p2

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Tom's pov-

I've seen that Lennie Lori and Alexandra was getting along. Nice, everything was going good untill I got a call

"Hey, I need to take this." I said as I left outside

"Hello? Who's this?"

"Is this Tom kaulitz? The hospitals calling."
"Yeah, Tom's at the phone what happened?"
"Well Mr.Kaulitz, we are calling to inform you that your mother is in the hospital." I froze at the word mother.

"Okay.. what hospital?.."
"Hospital ********, she wants to see you and your twin."
"Okay bye." I hung up
I ran inside grabbed my keys and called for bill
"Bill! Bill!"
"What?" He said annoyed
"Come on! We gotta go to the hospital! Just us!" I said scared.
"COMING" He was pretty annoyed I don't know why tough.
We got out and went into the car. And in 5-10 minutes we were there.

"Hey in what room is Simone Kaulitz?"
"Room 212, 2nd floor."
I ran into the elevator not knowing what's wrong with my mother.
"Hey Tom, do you know what happend with mom?.." bill said
"I don't know.." I sighed. And went into the room. There she was lying on the bed
"Hey doc. What happened?"
"Well. She hasn't eaten in 2 weeks so she fainted. But she needs to eat 3 times a day and at least 15 or less cups of water a day." I was relieved when I heard she wasn't injured.
"When will she go home?" I asked.
"Probably tomorrow or she'll stay another day. And make sure she eats okay?" He looked into my eyes seriously.
"Okay. And couldn't you of told me on the phone?" I asked.
"Well sorry, she wanted you guys to be here." I scoffed at him as I walked to my mothers bed and talked with her
"Mom. Why did u do that?" I asked her.
"I didint had appetite." She avoiding eye contact.
"Promise you won't do it again?" I asked
"Promise." She replied and hugged me.
My mother is the only woman that I loved. And she'll always be the only one.
"Well, is it okay if I leave? I need to do something." I said avoiding eye contact. Because if I looked her in the eye I would probably have my eyes watering.
"Sure. You guys can go."

(Time skip they are at the house)

Alexandras pov-

Me lennie and Lori were laughing. Rachel hasn't came out of the room yet. I didint wanted to get into her pravicy so we let her alone, as we talked and laughed Tom and Bill came home,
"Where is georg and gustav?" Asked tom.
"They went out for groceries" replied lennie.
"Okay, alexandra come with me ." I did as he said and we went into his room then he closed the door and signaled me to sit next to him on the bed, I sat down.
"What happend?" I asked
"Nothing. Just asking if you want to go to your apartament and get your clothes and things. And I want to get you a room of you dont wanna sleep here with me and ariana" He said. I was happy that I wasn't gonna stay in the same dress and underwear and that I was gonna sleep comfortably in a room where I wasn't hearing groans and moans.
"Thank you !" I said smiling.
"Well. Let's go." He said grabbing my hand and leaving the room, everyone looked surprised to see me happy and that I wasn't bruised or something.
"Tommy!! Where are you going?" Asked ariana. "Somewhere, you. Stay here got it?." He said in a cold tone.
"But" before she even finished tom already connected his hand to her face, she fell down to the floor and I gasped. And kneeled beside her to help her up.
"We've talked about the buts Ariana." Tom said and took my hand.
"Come on. Let's go Alex." I did as he said. I didint wanted to be slapped. I did felt bad for Ariana but I couldn't help her.
As Tom's drove. He kept his hands to himself and didint do anything gladly.
He asked me where is my apartament and I told him where and when he parked I went out of the car straight after he turned the engine off. And ran inside and into the elevator. I still waited for tom to arrive before going in.
As we got in. I ran straight into my room and dropped onto the bed. It was comfortable. After 5 minutes tom came in
"Hey where is your suitcase? I can't find it." I laughed quietly. But somehow he still heard me
"Are you laughing" He started laughing too which took me by surprise.
"The suitcase is litteraly next to the front door!" I started to laugh harder so did he
"Okay! Okay! Stop my stomach hurts!" I said trying to control myself.
"Okay.. pack your things!" I nodded and he came in with the suitcase.
"Can I help you?" He asked, why was he so kind all of a sudden?...
"Uhm sure if you want to!" I said smiling at him. He went into my drawer and he took my thongs out and started to laugh
"Hey! Give it back!" I said taking them from him
"Okay! You go into the bathroom to get my shampoos and other things okay?" I said "fine" He said leaving
And I grabbed clothes, underwear and bras and pjs plus socks. I packed and walked into the bathroom and saw that tom wasn't there. "Tom?" I yelled. And saw him into the kitchen eating.
"Why didn't you told me you were hungry! I could've of made you something!" I said
"Ayy. Where is this salami from? Its so good" He said. I smiled.
"Well you better walk there and bring more." He said looking me in the eyes and then I bursted into laughter
"Ayy! Why you laughing?"
"I'm sorry! It's just funny!" I said and stopped laughing.
"You didint took the things from the bathroom so I gotta go take them." I said leaving And got the things and put it in my suitcase. Anyways did I told yall that tom threatened me to move in with them? I didint think I did. Well you guys now found out...
Everything was packed and we left.
"Omg! Tom can you please stop at a shop? I still have some money! And I wanna get something!!" I said
"Okay" He said smiling I don't know why he's such in a good mood now.

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