Another Rouge Fusion?!

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Radron floats in the middle of nowhere within the Omniverse. He laughs with great relief and almost evily, "Hahaha finally!". He holds the Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper in hand and he closes his eyes for a few moments. He opens them and they were the Elimination eyes. He had is signature smile as he flies across the Omniverse, "Hehehe. I am unstoppable. I think I'll pay a visit to Conton City". He zips through the Omniverse and eventually he reached Conton City at the edge of Universe 7. He spin around like a lariat as he lands in-front of the Time Nest. He walks into it to find other Time Patrollers. One of them yelled out, "Who are you?!". Radron pointed his Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper at them and they passed out. Nali jumps up in fear as she steps back, "Y-You.... Are The Devourer. The Timetresspasser. Why are you here?!". Radron keeps his signature smile as he zips right in-front of her. He grabs her by the neck and lifts her off the floor, "Why you say? Its because you work for that damn Lord Dark! Or you know him as the Ancient Demon. I come here to have Conton City under new management". Nali started to panic and she tried to punch him arm to let him go. Radron's arm wouldn't but and instead he snapped Nali's neck. He surrounded his hand with Hakai energy and her body disintegrated. Radron laughs almost devilishly, "Hahaha! He wanted to control Timelines?! No, I will do that instead!". He rises up and out of the Time Nest. His Outterversal aura exploded out of his body and he pointed the Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper in the air, "Hear me Time Patrollers and Time Breakers. I am your new Supreme Kai Of Time. Radron!". The Time Patrollers and Time Breakers heard his call and they instantly sees him as the Supreme Kai Of Time. Radron puts his hand up and he creates a clone, "Make sure no funny business happens here got it?". The Radron clone nodded and it changed outfits into that of a Supreme Kai. Radron chuckled as he opened a portal in-front of him. He entered inside of it and on the other side of it was Universe 6's Heaven Realm. He appears in the throne room and he looks around. He thinks to himself, "They didn't replace Tason. Interesting. Well, I don't really care much about changes". He looks at the throne room and he continued the thought process, "Zeldron was the original Universe 6's Heaven King so this position of power belongs to me! Hehehe!". He slammed his Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper on the ground and a dark green energy wave was sent throughout the realm. He puts his hands up and he created another clone of himself. Radron looks at him, "Everyone recognizes me as King. Make sure nobody gets out of line. Got it?". The Radron clone changed clothings into a Kingly outfit and nodded. The real Radron opened a portal in-front of him and he entered it. He appeared in Universe 6's Demon realm and he pointed his Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper to the ground. Another dark green energy wave surrounded the realm. Radron says to himself, "Hehe. Now they recognize me as the King of the Demon Realm as well". He snapped his fingers and the clone that poses as EvilRage appeared in-front of him. Radron puts his hand on the EvilRage clone. He sees all the memories of this clone and he removes his hands, "That's it huh? Well let's go meet these prisoners". He opens the portal and the two of them enter inside it. They appeared in a hallway of a prison. The walls are dark red and the bars are dark green. He heard a group of people talking and Radron walked towards it. The EvilRage clone followed closely behind him. They reached the jail cell and Radron saw Jinesis along with her squad. They all gave him a glare. Radron crosses his arm and the Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper floated next to him. Radron looked at the group of Majins, "So your the tresspassers eh? Tell me. What were you lot doing here?". Jinesis looks away. Bruno says, "We don't have to tell you nothing!". Helen scoffs at him. Scorpio simply looks away. Radron sighs and he grabs his weapon, "You all don't want to answer me? Fine then. I'm giving you lot two choices. Kindly tell me and I'll release you or I'll force the information out of you and you all will have to do my bidding". Jinesis crosses her arms and she tighten her stance, "What makes you think we will do whatever you say?". Radron points the Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper at her and she fell to the ground. He points it at the rest of the Majin group and they all fell to the ground. Chains wrapped around there bodies. The prison bars bended in opposite directions and Radron walked in, "You all chose the hard way". He walks towards Jinesis and he puts his hand on her head. He looked through her memories and he quickly took his hand off of her. Radron says, "So that's why you lot are here. Investigation to figure out who I really am". He thinks to himself, "Who was that woman they talked to? She was cloaking herself. It better not be one of Lord Dark's remaining lackeys". He tapped the ground with his weapon and the pressure along with the chains disappeared. All of them slowly stood up. Radron formed a portal behind Jinesis and he says, "You are the only one that'll be let go. I saw in one of the Timelines, you got together with my son. RageJr. So that's exactly what you are going to do". Before Jinesis could say a word, Radron shoved her into the portal. He closes it and he looks at the rest of the Majins. He points his weapon at them and dark green energy wave surrounded them. They bow down to him. Radron had his usual smile, "Hehehe good. Now go out there and spread the name of a new ruler. Radron". A portal opened behind them and they nodded. They entered it and the portal closed behind him. Radron looked at the EvilRage clone, "Continue to do your duties but as me now. One more thing, that policy they are trying to pass. Let them because instead of Lord Dark appearing, it will be I". The EvilRage clone shifts its body into Radron and it nodded. The now Radron clone teleported away and the prison bars repaired itself. Radron chuckles demonically, "Hehehe. One last stop". He opened a portal in-front of him. He walked inside of it. He stepped out of the portal to find himself in a grassland, that reaches out seamlessly infinitely. Radron signature smile changed into a confused one, "Hmm? This place... Its a Domain". He heard a footstep behind him and he quickly turned around. Radron's eyes widen in shock. He first saw a pair of grey gi shoes then purple armored leggings, white gloves and a purple-black armored chest place with shoulder pads. This individual slowly walked out of the shadow that was casted onto them. Radron slowly reaches out his hands, "Y-You... Your Farah. No. Julia? Celestia? It doesn't matter!". The individual walked into the light and it was the Silver haired woman. She said in a calm yet serious tone, "Hello. Radron". Radron's heart started beating fast, almost like it was about to burst out of his chest. He had a smile on a his face. A smile of someone who fought has been struggling for so long has finally found solace and happiness. He slowly starts to walk towards her and tears starts to form in his eyes, "You really are them. All three. A fusion. I'm so glad your-"before he could finish his sentence, he bumped into an invisible barrier. He placed his hand on it and he looks at the other Fusion, "What. What is this?". The silver haired woman closes her eyes. A mysterious Female voice called out, "Oh. You think this is a reunion? How sweet". Radron looked up to the sky to see a woman wearing royal Greek clothing floating down until she was next to the Female Fusion. Radron grips his Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper tightly, "Who the hell are you?". The Greek Woman floated in the air and she lays down like a cloud, "I guess my father haven't told you. Well allow me to explain. I am the daughter of Draco, Guardian Of Everything. My names Cortina. This here next to me is-". The fusion woman opened her eyes and she stepped forward, "I can introduce myself". She glares at Cortina before looking back at The Devourer. The fusion woman said in a calm yet serious tone like before, "I am known as Fai (F-aye). I am the fusion of all three of your wives and more". Radron had a bewildered expression, "More? What do you mean?". Cortina stretches her arms to the side and it slipped into another existence. Radron saw this with the corner of his eye and he thinks, "That woman. Cortina could easily slip through other planes of reality like nothing! I guess she wasn't lying about being Draco's daughter". The barrier between the two disappeared and Fai walked towards him until they were mere inches apart. She stands up straight and she was only two inches shorter than Radron. She comments, "You are much taller than how you were originally. What are you? Seven feet and one inches in height now?". Radron moved his head down slightly, "Yeah I am... Why are you giving me that expression? I'm happy to see you but you aren't to me. Is there something going on?". Cortina grabbed a handful of popcorn and she was chewing it like she was watching a romance drama. She swallowed it and she claps her hands together, "Mmm now that is delicious. Anyhoo, my mission is simple. Its to eradicate all rouge fusions in every Timeline known to my father". She grabbed another handful of popcorn and she started to chew it. Radron has a shocked expression, "What?! Why? If your father has a problem with it then why couldn't he call me or Ragevil? Surely, we could come down to some sort of agreement". Cortina looks at her bag of popcorn and she said nonchantately, "Hmm. No can do. Doesn't work that way with my father. Besides, Ragevil has already been eliminated". Radron takes a step back and a sweat droplet trailed down his face, "What? But... He wasn't doing anything wrong". Cortina grabbed a handful of popcorn, "It might've seen that way with little interaction you had with him. He was planning to take control of the Conton City. The same one you are controlling now". Radron raises his eyebrow, "Hmm?" He takes a moment to process what she has said. He turned his back to her and he looks up at the sky. Fai puts her hands on her his and she watches him intensely. Radron turns to face the two woman and he had his usual smile, "Heh. Of course he'll try to take control. Me and him are one in the same". Fai had a serious yet calm expression. Cortina shakes her head, "See Fai? He already has corruption spreading all throughout his Soul". Fai sighs and she looks at the ground, "You are right. I can sense it. I just didn't want to believe it". Radron tilts his head, "Huh? Corrpution? I dispelled that long time ago". Cortina grabs a single popcorn and she positioned it next to The Devourer's head, "You haven't realized it. The dust that dispelled out of Lord Dark's body before he got disintegrated came into contact with you. He is corrupting you. Making you power hungry. That is why you want control over everything. Same thing with Ragevil. His Lord Dark basically took the same route before he died". She crushed the popcorn into tiny pieces and she blew it into the wind. Cortina continued her sentence, "Now as for Alara. She is-" before she could finish her sentence. She saw veins popping out of Fai's arm. Cortina's eyes widen and she covers her mouth. Fai clenches her fist tightly. Radron was about to comment on Cortina's information but he looks back at Fai. Radron took a step back, "Wait a minute. You two know about Alara?". Cortina covered her mouth but she giggled. Fai lowered her head, "Of course I do. I've been watching you from Cortina's palace for a while now. The people you absorbed or trapped in that small pocket Dimension you have. Even promising to release them once you've dealt with Lord Dark yet here you are still having them trapped". Radron looks at Fai then at Cortina, "Wait wait. How long have you two known each other for?". Cortina was about to speak but Fai stretched her hands out. Cortina shrugs and she eats popcorn again. Fai looks at Radron in the eyes, "Ever since you trapped Wanda into your pocket Dimension and essentially brought her back into your Timeline. Cortina revived Farah, Celestia and Julia and told us to fuse. The three of them refused at first until Draco himself came to us. He give us and Cortina an order. So the three of them fused into me. I started training to increase my power, along the way, I met the predecessor of Chronoa. Aeos, she hated what has become of Conton City and she wanted to be part of the mission. However, we didn't know how until Cortina suggested we do the same as you did. Finding a Majin and make their powers into my own. So I did. It was Majin Tohru. However, she was hosting Lord Dark inside. He was planning on coming back. A backup plan if you were to defeat him. I destroyed him which freed Majin Tohru. She begged to make things right and so she fused into me. Thus granting me the power of a Majin and I absorbed Aeos with her permission. After that, I absorbed Hinari, Saoula, Corie, The God Killer and finally Viper. Radron had a surprised expression, "That is a lot and Viper? But I've defeated her long ago. Doesn't that mean you-". Cortina interrupted Radron by saying, "Yes we did but only because Viper was reprogrammed by Rage in this alternate timeline. He accomplished what the version of Rage inside you couldn't. However, at some point Rage died and the Timeline was destroyed. We managed to save her right before the Timeline got wiped out. Once she realized what happened, she wanted to get revenge. This was indirectly your fault for destroying the barrier between Timelines. Her timeline along with another collided so fiercely which resulted in her Timeline along with the other being destroyed. Now as for the others. Saoula was a newly appointed God Of Destruction for Universe 1 and Corie was the a newly appointed Angel attendant for Universe 1 too. They hated the rampant chaos happening in this Timeline. They wanted order, stability. They saw Fai as the one person who would restore that so they joined her". Radron looked at Fai and he asked, "So are you here to help Cortina in her mission?". Fai responded sternly, "Yes. Your power hungry trip along with your corruption needs to end". Radron doesn't say anything and he just looks at them. Cortina says with a half serious tone, "You have become corrupted. Like it or not. That is the truth and if we don't stop you here. My father foresees you challenging the Cosmic Hierarchy and take control of everything. We can't have that now can we?". She puts the popcorn in her mouth, "Mmm scrumptious!". Radron looks at his hands and he gets reminded of Lord Dark's last words before dying. He clenches his fist and he shakes his head, "No. No. Your wrong. I won't do that. All I wanted was for Zanton to be brought back along with all my children and wives". Fai puts one hand in-front of Radron like a gun aiming to shoot. She said seriously, "I don't want to believe that but like we said earlier. The corruption has started taking control over you. I am here to stop you and then save you. Radron. My Husband". Radron hears Lord Dark's laughter in his head and he became angry, "No. I don't have anymore corruption. Your wrong. I just...". His expression changed to a saddened one and he zone out Lord Dark's laugh, "Want you to come to me. Please. Let's just go back to Zanton. I already know our kids are waiting for us. Waiting for their parents to return to them. Please". He grabs Fai's hand and he lowers it. He tangled his fingers onto hers. Radron gave her a smile, "See? Let's not fight. Let's return to Zanton". Fai takes a deep breath and she wears a serious expression again, "I can't do that. Not until you are stopped first". She puts her other hand up and she shot a point blank cyan ki-blast at him. Radron grabbed her other hand and Fai had a surprised expression. The beam stopped and Radron stood there with only a few scratches to his face, "Its all clear to me now. You are being manipulated by Cortina!". Fai responded with a serious tone again, "You... You are twisting this around. I'm not being manipulated. I'm here to fulfill a mission!". She attempted to lifted Radron up but he stomped one foot on the ground which made her jump into the sky. Radron let go of her hands and he instead grabbed her leg and he threw her away. Radron pointed his Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper at Cortina, "You are manipulating her! I will free her from your grasps!". He shot a Outter Ki beam at the Greek Woman. She jumps up to dodge but she saw the beam curving around back to her. Cortina sighs and she threw her popcorn which turned into a white-black shield. It completely blocked the attack. Radron snickered, "Tch. Death Ki and Outter Ki. Great". Cortina wiggled her finger, "Eh eh. I'm not your opponent. She is". She points at Fai. Radron turned around and he sees Fai right in-front of him. She threw a punch to his face which sent him flying. Fai runs towards him and she jumps in the sky. She charges up a Galick Gun, "I will stop you and then save you. Galick Gun!". She unleashed a purple ki-beam at him but Radron moved his head forward. He stabbed the beam attack with the Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper and it instantly disintegrated. Fai thinks, "That weapon. I need to destroy it somehow". Radron spin around like a lariat and he grabbed Fai's face. He pulled her close to him, "Stop this. I will be the one to save you. My wife". Purple goo started to go on her head but she kicked him in the chin which released his grip. Fai punched him in the stomach which sent him flying. Fai shook her head and the purple goo flew out, "You think absorbing me is equal to saving me?! No!". Radron stopped the momentum and he gently landed on the ground. He says, "It was only temporary. I was going to release you once I've defeated Cortina here". Fai clenches her fist, "That's what you said to those who are trapped". She punches the air and a air bullet form. That started to shift and turn into a Dragon. It roared as it charges at The Devourer. Radron sighs, "I'd hope you understand Fai. Seems like fighting is inevitable". Radron smacks the Dragon which disintegrated. Radron slowly floated up into the sky like a certain Legendary Super Saiyan. He closes his eyes and his aura bursts out of him and it took an X shape with him being in the middle of it. Radron opens his eyes and his pupils took a shape of white skulls. Rings formed on his wrist and his hair became that of his Super Saiyan 4. Large elbow spikes formed and the algimation of symbols formed on his chest. He looks down at Fai and the entire Domain started to crack and rumble violently. Cortina's nonchalant expression changed to a surprised one, "So this is his Evolved Ultimate up-close. Its quite powerful". She looks at Fai, "Well he isn't messing around so I suggest you use your strongest form. Whatever its called". Fai was in awe at the power being displayed but she snapped out of it when Cortina called out to her. Fai puts both of her fists together, "I know that". Her white aura bursts out of her and her hair starts to grow like a Super Saiyan 3, she has hair bangs on her shoulders. Her eyes changed into orange color with a white plus symbol as her pupil. A red symbol appeared on her red. Her muscles grew two inches bigger and Angel wings comes out from her back. Her gloves changed into gauntlets. Her long fox like tail comes out of her clothing and it is pink-blue with a tree symbol on it. Her aura is gold mix with white. She lets out one yell, "Raaah!". She flew up in the sky to be in the same altitude as her Husband. Radron looks at Fai and he asked curiously, "I've never seen this one. So Angelic in nature. Tell me, what's it called?". Fai responded seriously yet elegantly, "Its called Nephilim". Radron tilts his head to the side, "Nephilim? Isn't that what you would call a half-Demon and half-Angel?". Fai cocked her fist back like a shotgun and spikes formed all around her wrists and two Devil horns formed on her head, having her bang and T symbol be in the middle of them. Fai pointed her hand at him, "Exactly right. I do have Celestia An Angel and a Heaven Queen, Julia a Demon and a Demon Queen in me. Its only right to call this Nephilim". Radron claps his hands twice, "Oh that makes sense. I'm quite impressed. My wife. If you are planning to truly stop me then let's settle this". Fai had her serious expression again, "Of course. Then I will save you". Cortina watches from below and she has another bag of popcorn. She eats it, "Mmm! This is going to be exciting! Husband versus wife. Cosmic Vs Natural". Fai shot a ki-blast at him but Radron zipped to be next to her. Fai cocked her arm back and the spikes around her wrist shoot out towards him. Radron dodges all of them, Ultra Instinct style. Fai was at his face and she punches him which sent him flying. Radron spun around until he landed on the ground. He thinks to himself, "I have a feeling that this is my final obstacle".

To Be Continued...

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