First Day of Classes

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I finally found my locker and I open it up seeing books in it and I look at each one then looked down at my schedule to see if they are actually mine for classes and they were, thankfully I only have three classed and PE which that is not a good thing. I grabbed all three books, put them in my purse/bookbag, and then walked off in search of my class.

As I reach it and open it, I see only a few people in there, and I walk up to the teacher and introduce myself. She is really nice, unlike my old teachers. She told me to take a seat anywhere they don't really have a signed seat, I walked down the row closest to the window and I sit all the way in the back corner, and I heard a girl say in the front,

W--"She doesn't know that is Leo's seat, does she?" I sigh, knowing what she was talking about, I will get up when he comes in.

As the class fills up, everyone made a point to look at me, and I just looked out the window at the trees. It was definitely pretty here, as I was thinking that the class got extremely quiet and I feel like I could feel eyes on me so I slowly turn to see where the person is and when I finally made it to the classroom door I see a very attractive guy standing there looking at me and what caught my attention is his eyes they were a bright blue almost white.

As he starts walking towards me, I look back out the window until I feel his presence extremely close by, and I look back where I was, but I was met with the guy's body in my view, I slowly looked up and I see him just looking at me and I asked shyly,

A--"A-am I in your s-seat?" He looks at me and shakes his head, then looks away for a seat. The whole back row was open, and he suddenly sat down in the desk beside me, and I sighed looking down, please don't bully me, please don't bully me, please don't bully me. I kept chanting in my head with my head tilted down, and my eyes closed tightly,

L--"Are you okay, little dove?" My eyes shot open and looked everywhere to see who he was talking to and to find out that it was me,

A--"Yes." I looked away and started to take notes, and as I was trying to do work, I kept feeling the same feeling as somebody watching me and when I glanced over, he was staring at me intently and the weird thing is, is that his eyes are now a darker blue unlike the almost white-ish blue eyes.

I cleared my throat just as the bell went off, and I quickly grabbed everything, then walked fast out of the door. After finding my next class, I sit in the same seat,

L--"Hey Little dove." I looked up, shocked to see him again, I gave him a small smile, then looked down at my sketch book and started drawing my picture again,

L--"What are you drawing?" I didn't say anything. Why is he talking to me? Not that I don't like it because I do like him talking to me. His voice is so deep and strong that I could listen to it all day. Something about him makes me drawn to him like this morning it took everything in me to stop looking at him.

L--"You're shy, aren't you?" I glance at him, not being able to hide my blush because of my hair being in a bun,

L--"Where did you move from?" I thought about answering him, but I was too nervous.

L--"The teacher didn't show up, sometimes he does that, and they can't fire him since nobody wants to teach history." The bell rings, and I take off to my next class, and surprise, we have the next class together also, and he talked to me the same amount, and I listened.

After getting done with notes, she dismissed us a couple minutes early, and we walked down the hall him following me, and I sighed, wishing I could talk to him. Our next class went by quickly since she actually made us do stuff, and then we all walked out of class and to our next and for me it is gladly my last class of the day, which is PE because apparently, I need a gym credit to graduate. I walked in, and I was walking to where everyone else was standing, and that is when I saw the gym teacher he was in black jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. I looked up finally at his eyes his eyes were almost black, but that isn't the thing that made me blush he caught me checking him out just like the guy from my classes in first period.

S--"Let's start off, I am your sub for the next three months everyone has before graduated since your teacher is on maternity leave, and yes as you all know I am Leo's brother" he pointed at the guy that had all the classes with me and I blush, how can there be two good looking siblings in a family I mean damn my sister is definitely prettier than I am.

S--"Okay I don't make anybody participates in any of the games or stuff that we have to do all I ask for if the people that don't join while everyone else is changing please make two laps around the gym so I can get you a grade in the grade book and as for today I have nothing planned but can I see Leo and..." he pointed at me, and I stayed quiet.

W--"It's not like she exercises. Why is she even here, and why does he want to see... her?"

A tear falls from my eyes, and I jump when I hear two growling sounds in the gym, I look up and see the brothers are standing right beside each other and glaring at the girl that was saying comments on and off today. I gulp when they both look at me at the same time and gesture for me to follow them, which I did.

S--"You're new?" I am not sure if it was a question or a statement,

S--"Sorry, of course you are new. I would have remembered such a pretty face. How is your first day going?" I looked between them blushing, and I noticed that Leo was trailing his eyes up and down my body, leaning against the wall beside his brother. It is strange, I feel some sort of pull towards them.

A--"It is as good as it is going to get. Thank you for asking me." I look down and wrap my arms around my midsection, feeling vulnerable in front of them. It was quiet before Silas said,

S--"Go ahead and go back to the class Aria it was nice to meet you, and I'm glad to have you in class." I smile then walk out of the office and see everyone participating in something, but I don't pay attention I started walking my laps, halfway around my first lap I started hearing snickers behind me and I look back and see it is the blond girl that is most likely the mean girl.

I was by the coach's office doors, and they opened up out came the brother at the same time I heard what the girl was actually saying,

W--"No wonder she doesn't want to play, you imagine all that flopping around...moooo." I glance up, but I don't look in their eyes, and I say,

A--"Can I go ahead and go since we only have a couple minutes left?" Leo nodded, but it had to be Silas since he is the teacher,

S--"Of course, get home safely." I nodded, walking over, grabbing my bag and walking out, and I swear I heard a very loud hiss and a deep growed. I just shook my head and walked off and out to the parking lot. I went where I started my walk home.

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