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I tossed and turned, then tossed and turned some more, I can't sleep without them, I wanted their warm bodies close to me, I wanted them to wrap their arms around me hugging me close to their bodies, I sigh sitting up and saw it is a half hour early for me to get up and get dressed.

There was a knock on my door, and I sigh saying come in even though we have not talked a whole lot since they told me I am a witch" Mom opened the door just enough to poke her head in and said,

E--"Silas and Leo are here." I nod and ask her,

A--"Can you send them up?" I said without looking back up after I had let my head drop, looking down at my hands.

E--"Yeah, I'll tell them to come on up." My door was shut, and I pulled my comforter up since I only had my tank top, shorts pajamas with no bra on. There was a knock on my door, and I said,

A--"Come in."

L---"What is wrong?"

S--"Yeah, we felt it, so we got ready and rushed over here." I nodded, then remembered,

A--"Wait, did you do your morning routines?" They both shook their heads no, and I sighed,

A--"You guys do them, I told you not to do that. And you felt it?"

L--"We will, and what we meant by that is, if you are in distress or anything like that, we can feel it like it was our emotions of our own." I nod and ask,

A--"I wasn't really in distress, though."

S--"Something was bothering you; do you want to tell us?"

A--"I couldn't sleep, that is all."

L--"Can you tell us why you couldn't sleep?" They started walking closer and closer until they were on either side of my bed getting in and both sitting so close, I could feel the heat on one side and slightly colder on my other,

S--"Come on, baby girl."

A--"Why don't you tell me what I was feeling?"

L--"At first, you were turned on. I am guessing it was the only time you were asleep because it only lasted about an hour or two."

S--"Then you were agitated for a while, then you were upset." He was right I did fall asleep for a little while and I happened to have a small wet dream then about two hours of tossing and turning to get back asleep it ticked me off until I was sad that I couldn't sleep with them, to feel that comfort again.

A--"You guys need to do your morning routine, and I will make it to school after." I was blushing from their comment. How was I ever supposed to hide when I was turned on.

S--"You can't hide, baby girl."

A--"Don't read my mind." I looked at him, then crawled off my bed and looked at them again, saying,

A--"Go do your thing. I will meet you both at school."

L--"We'll wait for you instead." I sigh, looking at them, saying,

A--"It is only one-time you guys can take me home after your practice today, but for right now, you guys go, so you don't kill somebody like you almost did yesterday." They looked at me for a moment before nodding and getting up both hugged me before leaving my room.

I took a quick shower and did all of my morning routine, then got dressed and just kitting my hair air dry, then I would pull it up, I got dressed in a pair of skinny jeans, and t-shirt that was tie dyed purple and black that said New York on it, then I put of my all white converse shoes before walking out grabbing my bag, phone, and a hair tie before leaving my room and only grabbing a banana before walking out of the door.

I was over halfway to school when I was peeling my banana and took the first bite. As I was chewing, I heard a car pull up beside me, and I looked over, and I saw the guy Leo got into a fight with yesterday with a lot of his buddies in the car, he stuck his head out of the car and started mooing at me,

Wes--"Haven't you already sucked enough banana? Isn't that why you are with Leo oh wait let's not forget about our gym teacher Silas his brother, is that how you get out of gym, fuck your gym teacher and his brother? Mooo." they drove off laughing.

I realized that I had stilled and started crying. I started breathing hard, and I started walking towards school, but the closer I got, I felt like I was going to have a panic attack, so I quickly stopped walking and did my breathing exercises thankfully I calmed down but that didn't stop me from crying.

I made it to the school grounds, and I walked through the parking lot with my head down towards the ground, only glancing up enough to see if any cars were coming, but what stopped me in my tracks was the group of guys that said what they did to me on the way here so I turned and walked the opposite way but that was the same way as Silas, Leo and who I am guessing is Noah and Daisey.

My mates smiled at me until they saw my face, and I just turned and walked towards the exit deciding to ditch school. I didn't make it to the exit before both brothers stopped me,

S--"What happened? We felt your panic, but when we felt it, it was suddenly gone." I glanced back and saw the Wes guy smirking at me.

A--"Umm, how about we talk later, okay?" I went to walk around them, but they stopped me, and Leo said,

L--"Come on honey, please at least let us take you home?" I nodded, knowing they wouldn't let it go, and they walked me to their car, and I could see the scowl on Wes's face when I looked out the window.

A--"I want to go to our room." I said quietly, but knowing they heard me. I looked out of the window, blocking everything out thinking. Thank goodness we only have two months left before graduation; I hate high-school people.

Curvy Witch, Two Royal Mates Where stories live. Discover now