Roughed up

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I wipe my hand off, looking at the blood smear against my once beautiful ball gown. I sighed when I heard another one approaching from behind me, and I raised my hand, closing it into a fist, breaking it neck.

I dropped to my knees, and I felt a sharp pain go through my back, and I looked up no matter how tired I was. I saw a wolf on the back of my mate, and I raised my hand and closed my fist again, snapping its neck.

The next thing I knew, I was jumped on from behind, knocking me down on the ground, and I let out a yelp, and I tried my magic, but I couldn't think straight due to the wolf ripping my dress all the way down to my lower back and biting into my shoulder blade and I let out a scream  and I looked up fighting against the wolf and I try and do a simple spell and I couldn't suddenly I felt the pressure off my body gone and I look back and see my mates taking care of him and I look away and see my sister running towards me and she started helping me up.

When I was up and started to walk towards the house again I see all wolves stop and run off leaving ours that weren't injured standing watch them run away and I was confused but then I saw him walk through the forest, my biological dad walked through the woods and I smile at him before wincing in pain,


L--"Shit" both of my mates run over and I smile through the pain coursing through my shoulder blade I see Leo's pupils go big knowing he is mind linking somebody and my mates both got on each side of me and helped me into the house while my sister ran ahead and opened up the door for us. We walked in, and I was sitting down on the couch where I saw the doctor already set up and ready for anything to come.

A--"Guys, I can wait. There are more serious injuries out there."

L--"They can heal"

S--"And for the ones that can't by themselves are being treated by other doctors." I nod and stay sitting up so he could see the wound,

Doctor--"Okay my queen we have to stitch the whole bite mark up since it is a pretty deep one" I nod my head amd I see him grab a needle and I swallow hard and insee my sister walk up to me and grab my hand because lets be honest with having a fear of needles and one really big one coming towards you us scary. I clench my hand tightly around her hand.

We have to wait for a second, then he can start in the meantime all of our parents are there, including my biological dad.

A--"How long do we have until the war hits?"

D--"You only have a days time, then they plan on moving in and taking over the castle." I nodded, and the doctor said,

Doctor -- "Okay, I am finished. Try not to bust them open, but I know with what is coming that is unlikely, so I will see you in a couple of days." I gave him a big smile,

A--"Thank you."

Doctor -- "Any time, my queen. " he walks away to try and help others outside. I looked up and said,

A--"Let's get ready for battle."

L--"No, you need rest."

A--"Trust me, I am fine, I think I couldn't do anything because I was too scared and I am not the only one here nobody is going to rest, am I right?" Everybody was quiet, and I continued,

A--"That's what I thought so as their Luna and their queen. I will not rest until we win this war. Does everybody understand?" I see my mates smirk and everyone saying yes Luna while bowing their heads every my mates mom and dads.

A--"Chloe, come over here, please." My sister walks over to me and sits down, and I pull her into a tight hug,

A--"Thank you for coming over to me and helping me."

C--"Isn't that what sisters are for?" she gives me a huge smile, and I nod my head, agreeing with her, and I continue,

A--"I know I haven't been there for you a lot lately, but as soon as this stuff is over, I am having one heck of a sisters day, okay!" She nods her head smiles,

A--"Mom, dad, sis, I would like you to meet my biological dad, David." Everyone said their hellos, and we all talked before I felt like I was going to pass out, and I said,

A--"Maybe I should eat something I didn't eat hardly anything before my speech and then use so much of my energy out there I think I might be about to pass out" I said trying to stand up but fall back down on the couch after getting dizzy.

S--"Sit there, and I will get you something."

A--"Can we make stuff for everyone or order something?" Silas nodded his head and sat down beside me,

S--"What would you like to eat?"

A--"Hmmm... Chinese....and pizza." Everyone looks at me trying not to laugh, and I said quietly,

A--"Just Chinese"

L--"Guys, stop she can have whatever she wants, and if she wants both, she will have both." Silas takes out his phone and dials a number,

S--"Hello, can I get a pick up order for fifteen pepperoni and one cheese please, can I also get a protein bowl also? Thank you. Bye." He hung up and dialed another number,

S--"Anybody else in this room want Chinese?"

C--"Me and I like the same thing Sis likes." he nods, and Leo also raises his hand and says,

L--"I want what I usually get." he nods and says,

Hello can I place a pick up order, I would like two combination plates, General Tso's with a quart of lo-mein please, also I would like four egg rolls, an order of crab Rangoons and two  combination plate with sweet and sour chicken and fried rice, nop that will be all thank you" he hung up and I lean my head against his shoulder and I felt Chloe get up and Leo sit down beside me as well and they both placed a hand on my thigh and everyone started to pour into the front door and Silas told them all about the food.

After the food got there, I had ate half of the protein bowl he got me, my whole combination plate, an egg roll, and two crab Rangoons, and they picked me up a Gatorade. I smile watching people pass around the pizza boxes taking what they wanted and Silas ordered me and Chloe our own cheese pizza to share but I couldn't eat anymore so I will have it left over tomorrow so that I get all the protein I need to have enough energy for this war. 

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