Learning More

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I stirred awake, and I looked around, seeing that I was not in the gym at school anymore. Instead, I was in a room that was painted a light grey color, and the bed I was laying in was a huge bed that could fit at least four people, and it had maybe... Satin sheets, black in color, and I looked up at the ceiling for a second since I didn't feel like I was in danger.

I must have been looking up at the ceiling for longer than I thought because I heard the door open and in walked the brothers.

A--"How did I get here?"

L--"I carried you to our car at the school."

S--"Then I carried you up to our bedroom when we got to our house."

A--"Carried? Our?" I was scared that they carried me so much,

L--"Yes, we carried you. Why wouldn't we you're our mate?"

S--"And what we mean by ours is that once you say that you accept us and do not reject us as your mate, we will be bound for life it will make you ours and it will make you immortal" I sat up straight in the bed and look at them with a serious look,

A--"You're telling me I will never die?"


S--"Unless something that can kill you happens to you like Leo can die from too much wolfsbane or silver bullet if not gotten out right away, I can die from a stake through the heart or wooden bullet through the heart, and we are still trying to figure out what kind of things will hurt a witch" all I could do is nod my head and fall back down on the bed.

A--"How long have I been asleep?"

L--"A couple of hours, matter of fact, it is time for dinner, and we should tell you that your mom and dad are down there joining us for dinner." I nod and rub my face, then look over at them thinking, do they not want me as a mate? Do they not like my hair, my height, maybe it is my weight because I don't even want my own...

S--"Stop." I look up at his face, confused,

S--"We want you, and we want your body just how it is. Why would you think otherwise?" Their voices are normally really deep, but his just got deeper, and it doesn't scare me at all,

A--"H-how did you do that?"

S--"I can read your mind, so can Leo, we are different than regular mates, since we are the princes very soon to be kings, we can read your mind without being mated and now back to the things you were thinking, why did you think those things?"

A--"Because you guys are staying so far away from me like I repulse you both." I look away from them and back up at the ceiling and say under my breath,

A--"I wouldn't blame you."

L--"You do everything but repulse us."

S--"Yes matter of fact quite the opposite of repulse."

A--"Then why are you still so far away?"

L--"Because we are afraid."


S--"Because we almost lost control last night, the need to... mate, you were overwhelming."

A--"Mate me?"

L--"Take you."

A--"I am sorry, I still don't understand."

S--"Mating you is the same thing as us having sex together beautiful." I blush bright red and cover my face with my hands, oh my gosh,

A--"Wait, my eyes are they still purple?"

L--"No, they went back." I nod and sit up again, throwing the covers back and sliding out of the bed, I look down and say,

A--"Your parents probably are not going to like me so much tonight."

S--"Why do you say that?"

A--"Look at what I am wearing." I looked down, seeing the hoodie and sweatpants I put on this morning before school.

S--"You look great."

L--"Yes, believe it or not, us kings, queen, and princes doesn't always wear these button-up shirts and dress pants at dinner. It's only when we have company."

A--"Well, can you dress like me?" I smile at them, and they look at me forever a second, not saying anything,

A--"Never mind, I don't want to get you in trouble with your parents." I gave them a smile, but all they did was walk towards a door in the room and walk in, shutting the door.

After a few seconds, they walked back in, Leo wearing a white t-shirt with light grey sweatpants, while Silas is wearing black t-shirt and light grey sweatpants. I found myself biting my lip, looking over both of their bodies before reaching their faces, seeing both looking at me and smirking.

I blushed and looked away from them, but that couldn't stop how my body was reacting to them. 

L--"Holy shit."

S--"Exactly what I was thinking, brother." I started walking towards the door, and I opened it and was about to walk out, but it closed again before I could even walk out. They turned me around and pressed me against the door, and I looked at everything but their faces.

L--"You're allowed to look at us, sweetie, we are yours."

S--"You smell divine, beautiful."

L--"Hmmm, I agree with my brother." They learned in and pressed a kiss on either side of my neck leading up towards my ear where they reached a spot on each side, and I let out a small sound of pleasure.

S--"Fuck you sound like music to my ears."

L--"You smell even better."

A--"S-Silas, L-Leo" I laid my head back against the door and a knock brought us out of our moment,

O--"Honey are you awake yet." They didn't move so I cleared my throat and said in a slightly breathy,

A--"Y-yes, we will be down in a minute."

O--"Okay and please don't make me a grandpa this early" I blush and drop my head in embarrassment which caused them to move their heads and I felt their eyes on me, and when I look up their eyes were shining brightly with their not normal color and I look back down and fiddled nervously with a string off of my sweatshirt sleeve just waiting until they calm down.

S--"Beautiful, go on and head down, we will be down in a few minutes." I looked between them, and Silas and Leo were both walking away from me, breathing hard and their heads down, and my eyes started watering, so I hurriedly walked out, shutting the door and I hurriedly down the staircase.

When I walked in, I gave everyone a quick hi and a smile, then sat down in a chair and sat there with my head down, looking at my hands letting the tears fall, what did I do? I felt like I... I don't know. I heard footsteps going down the staircase a few seconds later, and I don't dare look up.

They were all talking, and I just moved the food around on my plate as I sat there in silence. I had stopped crying, but I still didn't understand what I did wrong.

R--"So Aria, I heard they talked to you finally." I looked up, and her face turned from one of happiness to one of sadness,

R--"What is wrong, honey?" I sigh, saying,

A--"Nothing, I am just tired from the events that have happened."

R--"Well honey go on up to the room you were in and go to sleep I don't think your mom and dad will care if you stay the night as long as no funny business" I blush and stand you wiping my face feeling exhausted. I looked at my parents and got up from their seats walking towards me, giving me a kiss on the forehead each and a hug before I walked up the stairs and go into the bedroom I was in before and immediately take my sweatshirt off and shoes slipping underneath the warm comforter, and I reached overturning the light off and just like that I was asleep.

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