Stronger Than Ever

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It has been a few days and I have taken my ACT and luckily I passed with a good score and I have been getting stronger physically and with my witch training, actually I have majority of the spells from my dad's old spell book mastered already the only one I don't have is something about the weather but I am making progress with that.

I was walking through the halls going to my next class when I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned and all I saw was red,

A--"What the hell do you think you are doing here."

Z--"Listen, we just wanted to apologize for the things we have done to you."

A--"No I don't accept it and as for your request to join our pack I was going to let my mates tell you but I am going to, it is denied so have a good day" I turned and Daisey said,

D--"Nicely said Luna."

A--"Thank you." I smile and walk more with my head held high through the halls,

A--"Where is your mate?"

D--"Off somewhere with yours." she sighed dramatically, and I just smiled and shook my head and said,

A--"I am so glad to have made a friend."

D--"Me too!" She interlocked our arms, and I just laughed and made it to our last class of the day... gym, yay, note the sarcasm.

We walk into the gym, and she goes bouncing up to her mate, and I just smile, then walk over to my own, hugging each and giving them a kiss, I feel eyes on me so I break my kiss  and when I look around I see Wes glaring at me but then when he noticed I looked he smirked at me, I just glare and turn towards my mates and them both looking at me confused,

A--"Sorry, I felt like somebody was staring at me."

L--"Yeah, we noticed him staring at you as soon as you both walked in."

A--"I um have something to tell you." They looked at me with a small smile, and then I heard Daisey say,

D--"Oh yes, she was one sassy Luna in the hallway just a minute ago!" She said so excitedly, I see Noah smiling, shaking his head at how much energy she has,

N--"I agree, guys. Daisey has already filled me in. You will be proud."

D--"Come on, Aria, tell them before I do!"

A--"It really isn't a big deal, and you guys might be mad at me for telling her instead of you. Anyways, I basically told Zoe she was not welcomed here."

D--"She said it more fierce in the hallway."

A--"Yes, well, as you know, I am not like that all the time. They just bring out the anger out in me."

D--"If it is okay to ask, what did they do to you?"

A--"Ummm, long story short, they were both my friends. I ended up liking Gabe, and I told Zoe she ran to him, and the next day, they were together, and they became my biggest bullies."

D--"Shit, sorry girl, I shouldn't have asked."

A--"It's fine, you didn't know, I just am glad I didn't bow down to her out there." I was pulled back against my mates, and I smiled, looking down. I was startled by the bell ringing,

D--"Yay, last day as a senior, graduation here we come! Let's go celebrate." we all laugh at her excitement. We all get all of our stuff and then walk out to our cars. Noah is driving him and Daisey, while we once again have our regular driver driving us and then we took off to somewhere I didn't know, I know they are mindlinking because the guys eyes are a little spaces out.

Curvy Witch, Two Royal Mates Where stories live. Discover now