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I woke up the next day, and I sighed, not wanting to get ready, but I had to. After doing everything in the bathroom, I walked out and went into my closet. I slipped on my underwear and bra when I heard a howl out back in the surround woods and turned walking out of my closet. Something feels like it is calling me to go to the window. I only opened it enough for me to see and not expose my body to anyone in my family if they are outside, and I don't see anything outback, which, for some reason, it upsets me.

I closed the curtain and walked back to my closet and threw on my, which was not just a plain t-shirt. It was a slightly fancy version of one. What will surprise you all is that I put on a pair of skinny jeans that I just ordered a week ago so I could have them for this school, and they arrived just yesterday and for some reason I want to look pretty because I may already like someone well two, but I can't like one since he is a teacher.

I also straightened my hair, leaving it down but bringing a hair tie just in case and still only doing my little makeup routine then grabbed my bag and phone walking down the stairs and I see my mom once again cooking but this time it is just egg sandwich and I ate it then asked mom,


E--"Yes, honey?"

A--"Are you okay? You look stressed." I smiled, and she gave me her famous smile back and said,

E--"Yes dear, just know that we are having dinner with your dad and I friends, okay?" I nodded and just got up and was about to walk out of the door when mom said,

E--"I'm driving you, honey." I nod and walk out to the car, I am nervous because when we were moving here, my parents finally told us that they're a rich family, and that makes me nervous, what am I going to wear?

E--"Honey, we are here." I nodded my head and said a quick by then getting out of the car and walking into school I glanced around seeing until I saw at the back table, Leo, Silas, another boy, and a girl. I just keep walking no matter if our eyes meet. I walked into my class this time how I liked it, no students.

When the class started filling up, the mean girl came in and sat semi close to my seat. She was sitting up front yesterday, and now she is sitting middle room, I sigh at least she didn't sit beside me but what I was wrong about was her looking back at me and mooing at me I sigh putting my head down on the table. I lifted my head when I heard his voice.

L--"Knock it off, Wendy. Strike 2." Our teacher pointed at her then out of the classroom, saying office. I took my notebook out and started writing down the notes she has written already.

L--"Hey, how are you today?" I nodded at him, saying a quiet,

A--"I am doing okay." I smiled at him too shy to say anything more than that.

L--"I am sorry for bugging you yesterday in our classes. I should have taken that as a hint." I started to panic, I didn't want him to stop talking to me, and that sounded like he would stop.

A--"It's f-fine, I am trying to get rid of my shyness."

L--"Don't make yourself into something, you're not, for one, and second, I think your shyness is cute." I blush hard-core and look back at the board and see that there was more, and I start writing it down. We were silent the rest of the classes while I tried to get everything caught up, but he did walk with me to class every time.

When we walked into the gym, I saw kids waiting until the class officially started, and I walked up the stairs a little on the bleachers away from everyone and me sitting away so Leo hangout with his football buddies and not feel bad for me and hangout with me, and yep something I didn't know until today Leo is on the football team, quarterback actually.

I leaned my head against the wall and looked at Silas coming in and talking to Leo and after they were done talking Leo scanned the place then looking at me and walking up the stairs and sitting beside me while I still look at Silas,

A--"You can go sit with your buddies."

L--"No, I want to sit with you." I looked away from checking out Silas and at Leo for a second before looking at my hands that rested in my lap,

A--"You don't have to take pity on me, Leo. I am fine sitting by myself." I see my stomach pushing put a little. This is the reason why I don't wear jeans. I lay my head against the wall, but this time, I tugged my shirt a little bit so it wouldn't stick to my stomach area. I look at everyone starting to play a game,

L--"I am not taking pity on you Aria, look at me, please." I look at him, I sigh,

L--"I would rather be here talking to you then sitting with a whole bunch of idiots that only think with their dicks."

A--"And you don't?" I blush and turn my head away then stood up,

A--"I am so sorry I didn't mean to say that, gosh I am so stupid. I have to use the bathroom, excuse me." I walked down the stairs and asked on the way out,

A--"May I use the bathroom?"

S--"Yes, you may, and Aria, please calm down. You look like you're about to have a panic attack." I just walked past him and out the door thinking of where to go but just did something I have never done... walked out of school and skipped class.

I walked down the street, walking slowly to my house, I can't believe I said that who and their right mind would say that to a hot guy, and I am not the one to flirt and I did, I am not going to be able to talk to him tomorrow. The whole situation was just humiliating.

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