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I could hear everyone talking around me yet here I am mates in the dark unable to talk to anybody around me, not that I really wanted too but I know sooner or later I am going to have to wake up but when I think I hear my mates talking to me it gives me hope that they are still there but then I remember they are not alive anymore and I am just sucked right back into the darkness.

L--"Come on, princess, wake up for me."

S--"Baby girl, if you can hear us make any movement or anything to indicate you are fine." I tried to move my hand, but yet again couldn't and thought to myself come on Aria, they are not alive.

C--"Sis, you can wake up at any moment, you know, we are all here beside you. None of us have left, even the whole pack are staying here, you should see all of the sleeping in the dining room and living room." I tried to smile, but I couldn't bring myself to smile anymore.

E--"Honey, I love you, my sweet girl. I know I am not your biological mom, but I need you to know that I love you, and I can't wait to see your beautiful smile." 

O--"Same here, honey." I suddenly feel like I am falling, and I start yelling help. Then suddenly I am back where I started, I hate when that happens.

S--"How is she doing, doctor?"

L--"Yeah, that is the fourth time she has coded."

Doctor--"She is doing good. I don't know why she is coding randomly."

S--"How is our baby?"

Doctor--" Surprisingly good even through the battle, thinking she lost you, using all of her energy she saved up that day, and coding."

L--"So nothing bad has happened they are healthy?"

Doctor--"Yes Kings they are fine."

S--"What do you mean they?"

Doctor --"You are having twins, sir's." I felt a tear run down my face, and I felt like I could feel the warm tingles I used to get with my mates pressed against my cheeks on both sides. I was suddenly grabbed, and I saw my biological mom was in front of me, and she said,

M--"Please go back, my dear. Your mates need you, and your babies need you."

A--"My mates are dead."

M--"No baby doll, they are alive."

A--"H-how? I saw them d-die right in front of me."

M--"That is a thing to ask when you wake up, now go." she pushed me backward, and suddenly I heard beeping around me.

I tried to move my body away from the bring light, but I felt so stiff, and I had a little pain go through my body so I just stayed still and I opened my eyes and blink slowly because of the stupid bright light above of me,

A--"P-Please, please shut the light off." I groan from my scratchy throat. I heard gasps around me and I opened my eyes again to see the lights lowered a little and I see all my family including my mates which u thought were dead and I brought my hands up to my face and started crying.


S--"Baby girl?" I bring my hands away from my face, and I smile and reach out for both of them, and they immediately rush to me, and we all hug,

A--"I thought I lost you both."

L--"You saved us, princess."

A--"How I passed out?"

S--"I have no clue, we woke up and we were completely healed and saw everyone kneeling around us and you between us clutching our shirts passed out" I looked down at my belly and I asked,

Curvy Witch, Two Royal Mates Where stories live. Discover now