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I stirred in my sleep, trying to go back to sleep, but couldn't I slowly open my eyes and immediately close them from the light showing through the parted window. As I was lying there, I thought back to what happened yesterday, and I blushed.

I open my eyes fully and I look around and I see the guys are gone and I frown wanting to me held by them and feel them inside me this morning, I know it is not very healthy to do that but once in my life I would like to wake up with them still in me.

That is when I remembered how I actually fell asleep and fell asleep? It's more like passing out. Gosh, I am so embarrassed I can't even last till the end of sex... will that happen the rest of my life? Will they want me after this? What will they say to me? What will I say to them? What will happen if they don't like me enough and want to reject me?

S--"Baby girl, are you okay?" I jumped sitting up but winced and laid right back down instead of being on my back, and I pulled the comforter up close to my neck once since it fell down on my lap when I sat up, I rolled to my side since I felt so much discomfort.

L--"Why were you panicing, princess?"

S--"Yeah, you were causing yourself to go into a panic attack. Are you okay?" I just nodded, looking at the wall, and it was silent again for a little while until they asked me,

L--"Did we hurt you?"

A--"I am just sore, not hurt." I am not sure what to say, but that is the truth,

S--"Then what is wrong?" I didn't answer for a long time. I just looked at the wall for a long time instead.

L--"Pri-" I stopped him saying at the exact same time,

A--"Did you not like it?" It was quiet, and I didn't dare look over at them,

S--"What do you mean?"

A--"Did you enjoy yourselves?"


A--"I knew it. If you would like to reject me, just say the words, and I will be gone for good."

S--"Ari-" he was cut off by a knock on the door, and he hissed, and Leo growled,

R--"Do not hiss or growled at your mother. Let me in." Why are they back early? Leo walked towards the door and opened it, and I just snuggled deeper into my covers so she wouldn't see me and when she walks in, she has a very bright smile on her face until she looks at me and it dropped.

R--"Out" she pointed at each of them,



R--"I said out, can't you see that you upset her somehow?" I feel their eyes on me, then suddenly they were walking out of the door. I feel her walking towards me, and I see her sit on the side I was facing,

R--"Tell me what happened." I sigh, trying to sit up, but wince,

R--"No honey, keep laying. I know how it feels." she smiles warmly, and I just settle back down and say after a moment of silence,

A--"I am sorry."

R--"Why are you sorry?" I thought about it for a second to why I am apologizing, and I answered her question,

A--"I am a mess, I am naked, I am emotional, I think your son hated our time together, and I can't sit right and talk to you."

R--"You don't have to apologize to me about any of those things, now tell me what my idiot sons did."

A--"It's stupid really, and I am overreacting,"

R--"Aria." I sighed and said,

A--"They were not here when I woke up, and when I tried to sit up I noticed that the bedside we cold so they left a while ago and right as I start panicking they walk in acting like nothing happened but that was a big deal for me, maybe not to them, but to me it was and let's not forget that I am beyond embarrassed to say I passed out while they were still... finishing on their part." I rolled over to my other side and said,

A--"I am going to take a shower and get dressed. I will be down after. Can you keep them down there for me?"

R--"Yes, I will try, my dear, but it will be almost impossible. Do you need help getting to the shower? Oh, and also we have to talk to you all." I shook my head no. Finally, after a lot of attempts, I sit up on the bed while she says her goodbyes and I feel raw, they really didn't go easy on me, I know I asked for it but maybe no vamp speed for a long time and no more knotting for a while either well that is if they actually want to have sex with me again.

I walk slowly into the large shower and turn the water on the hotter setting, and I sigh as the hot water runs down my body, and I start washing my body. As I was about to wash the part of my body that stings, I hear the shower door open, and I jump around, wincing in the process.

A--"Get out." I covered as much of my big body as I could and looked away from them,

S--"We are not going anywhere." We all just stood there, them looking at me and me looking at them until I got fed up with it, they are going to reject me if they want, I turn around and let a tear fall down my face and I grabbed my washcloth once again and sigh and ran it over my stinging parts and I winced,


S--"Fuck" I turned, and I see them watching me with a look on their faces,

A--"You don't have to watch I know disgusting right?" I didn't realize until I wash dried blood off me that I must had bled a little,

A--"Also before I leave, I will take the sheets off and wash them, okay?"

S--"No you won't"

L--"We will do that" They started walking closer to me and when I was pushed up against the wall and them right in front of me,

S--"I don't know what is going through your mind, but we want you, all of you" I whispered under my breath,

A--"Doesn't feel like it."

L--"Hey look at us" I do, and he continues,

L--"We got up and went to our separate rooms so we could shower, once we were done, we were called to a crisis by the boarder, so we had to leave."

S--"Yes and we much rather of been right beside you, to greet you this morning but we couldn't let the threat get into our palace and hurt you" they both put a hand around my waist, and I tense,

A--"You should have wrote a note or something you both made me feel terrible about myself, now please let me finish my shower, your mom has something she wants to talk about, and from what I heard you took a shower already and you probably don't need another" I turned and grabbed the shampoo and wet my hair and started washing it real fast as they walked out of the shower and when I looked up in the mirror my eyes were once again purple.

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